
Do you want a chapter in Wilson, Harper, or Generations?


Do you want a chapter in Wilson, Harper, or Generations?


The Harper Family Weddings is now available on Kindle. It should be available in paperback and hardcover within the next few days. 
          Hunter is the next book coming to paperback, Kindle, and hardcover. 
          Now I can focus on writing. 


Two books I’m hoping to complete before my holiday: Generations and Blazing Hearts. 
          Now June was usually a busy month for my family. So, to commemorate them, I’m calling for specific birthdays. You as the reader must either have a birthday on these days or close to these days. It cannot be a cousin, uncle, aunt, sister, spouse, child or any relation. I got wise to everyone with their loopholes lol. 
          If anyone has a birthday on or close to June 13, 18, or 30, you get the choice of an update. 
          2 bonus chapters if you birthday falls on June 30. 


Well, you and others are in luck. I’m working on completing generations right now. 


@angel48183 oh Gosh I knew I was behind but didn't realize how far! Okay, two updates in Generations please! 


If you want updates to my stories or any notifications of when I post new stories, I suggest you follow me. 
          I also do reader’s choice and pop quizzes, which give the reader’s a chance to pick the update. Sometimes, I throw in special opportunities to pick an update. 


There might be a glitch 


@angel48183 for some reason, I don't get notifications sometimes...


With eight more chapters left in Generations, you will get some hilarious chapters before I send the group to by gosh, almost heaven, West Virginia. I’m actually excited to write the next book because I get to pull from my trips there with my family. It will also pay homage to my dad since it was his home state. Those mountain boys are a whole different breed. 
          The cousins are about to find out the mountains are nothing like their home state. You’re in for a wild ride with the next book. 


You’ll find out when I post the final chapter in Generations. 


@angel48183 what is the new book gonna be called 


Oh, I have something better planned


It’s always a good day when people are reading the Gray and Harper series. Throw a little Saintwood into the mix, and you got utter chaos. 
          If everything works out, The Harper Family Weddings should be available by this Monday on Kindle, Paperback, and Hardcover. 
          This will also give me time to finish Generations and hopefully, Blazing Hearts before I leave for holiday with my husband for a few days. A little recharge never hurt anyone. Plus, it will give me more ideas for the upcoming Harper books because I’m sending Tino, Misty, and the others to West Virginia. If you thought It’s All Relative was crazy in Hawaii, you haven’t seen anything yet. 


@paulaneehook I’m so itching to get to the next book because I will be pulling a lot from my own trips to West Virginia with my family. You wouldn’t believe half the stuff that happened when we were down there. Not only will the readers get insight to my life, but it will pay homage to my dad since he came from West Virginia. 
            @picturemom I plan to get some much needed rest and work on some ideas for the Harpers. 


@angel48183 Wonder how much trouble they can get into in West Virginia?  I don't know what they will get up to, but no doubt it will leave us rolling on the floor......and the group driving the bus over each other A LOT.  I hope the entire group is invited to the wedding, including all the returns.....just picturing  Lucille leading all the girls into trouble, considering how much she got Maggie into can you imagine what she can do with the whole flock of them??????
            Generations, book 2....Watch Out West Virginia.  Looking forward to the madness....BRING IT ON.
            But don't forget to get some rest and have some fun while you are on YOUR vacation.   You and your characters will be missed.  But even The Creator needed a day of rest, so the creator of some of our favourite families and story lines also deserves her.  Hope you have fun.


@angel48183 Enjoy your time away. Excited to see what you have in store for them.


Reader’s choice. 


Harper Generations please


The first chapter of Aiden Harper is out. I get to play with this one a bit while I write it. 


Aiden is more like Matt than most of the family


@angel48183 I enjoyed very much... he has some of Matt's treats there he is close off because something happened and Diego is keeping the secret (like the other Harper cousins and the Dexter /Keaton drama)