
Adult Fiction presents...  a modern retake of a literary classic!
          	Billed as a reimagination of Jane Austen's "Persuasion", @dlcroisette's TRUE BLUE is at its heart a romance about second chances.
          	Check out our latest featured story here:


The Long List for the Open Novella Contest 2024 is now out!
           Make sure to check it out. All the stories can also be found on the @OpenNovellaContest profile in two special reading lists! 


Congratulations to any of our writers who made it through!


We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new featured stories collection!
          Looking for your next Wattpad adult fiction read? Check out our reviews and interviews with the writers here: 

          This month, we present "Devils on Starfall Isle" by @theidiotmachine.


@silent_reader2022 Hi there, 
            Currently, the stories for Adult Fiction presents... are selected by members of the AdultFiction team. However, writers are welcome to submit suitable stories to be considered for our various Reading Lists via the Submission form in our Information Guide.
            Kind regards
            Kind regards


@adultfictionstories How is the process for choosing authors carried out? Do you browse lists and stumble upon stories, or do they sign up and you all make your own choices?


Hi all,
          You may have noticed some changes to our Reading lists. We are now only accepting COMPLETED stories and we have reduced the number of lists. You can find more details here: 

          In addition, we have removed the stories which have been featured for more than 12 months, aiming for some fresh viewing. You'll notice some of our lists are now quite sparse! New submissions are most welcome :)


Hello, Wattpaders!
          May is here, which means it's Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPIHM)! AAPIHM is a time to celebrate Asian and Pacific Islander history and culture. We understand such a time cannot be contained within a month, so we have curated a reading list dedicated to highlighting Asian and Pacific Islander voices in the Wattpad community. To access the full list, please visit this link here: 

          We also recommend checking out our AAPIHM contest, inspired by Asian and Pacific Islander culture. Favorite submissions written by Asian and Pacific Islander authors will earn an opportunity be featured on the participating profiles, including @APIFantasy and @APIRomance:
          Deadline: May 31st, 2024 11:59 PM EST


Hi all,
          "On May 6, 2024 0:00:00 UTC, user-to-user private messaging will no longer be a feature on Wattpad and existing conversations will be deleted. You will still be able to receive messages from Wattpad-affiliated accounts."
          This means that we will have to post any messages we would have sent via  PM, (such as reminders or invitations about the Book Club)  to your Message Board instead. We'll see how this goes!
          Kind regards


HI all, 
          Please note that the Age of Consent for stories on Wattpad is changing from 16 to 18.

          Please check any YA stories you might have, urgently


@sugainmytee Hi there,
            Its on the official Wattpad profile in the News Updates book. or you can just click on the link above.


@adultfictionstories where did you find this information.   I Googled it and nothing came up. Does a YA label mean something different than a book listed as Mature?


Thanks. * sigh. Well, it’s good to have the warning , thanks. Hopefully I will beat the take down. Ah heck. 18 IS better…no argument there. 