
Hey, sorry it’s been a minute, some stuff happened and I was delayed a bit. My uncle got admitted into hospital and his lung collapsed at one point and he just died earlier today so I’m sure you can imagine I’ve been a bit occupied. He passed peacefully surrounded by his family, and he’s no longer suffering so as sad as I am that he’s gone, I’m happy that he lived the life that he lived and he’s no longer in pain.
          	I’m still writing the new chapter for TSWD, though I’m not sure when it's gonna be finished with everything that’s been going on.


@ZestEmeth I am sorry for your loss. Stay strong and take care of yourself. Sending you love and support. 


Hey, sorry it’s been a minute, some stuff happened and I was delayed a bit. My uncle got admitted into hospital and his lung collapsed at one point and he just died earlier today so I’m sure you can imagine I’ve been a bit occupied. He passed peacefully surrounded by his family, and he’s no longer suffering so as sad as I am that he’s gone, I’m happy that he lived the life that he lived and he’s no longer in pain.
          I’m still writing the new chapter for TSWD, though I’m not sure when it's gonna be finished with everything that’s been going on.


@ZestEmeth I am sorry for your loss. Stay strong and take care of yourself. Sending you love and support. 


Chapter 2 of The Survivor who Died will be out later today, I just need my Beta Reader / cousin to scan through everything  before I publish it. We're headed to the Zoo later so I'll have him do it on the way there.


@dragonatic099 Yeah, she'll still have Boil Release


@ZestEmeth You originally planned to give your oc a second bloodline in the original version but is that still the plan with your new story?


Can you please make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories of Naruto: TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories before Sasuke Uchiha and Rose Uchiha tell Sasuke Uchiha truth real behind Uchiha Clan Massacre because Itachi Uchiha got ordered Hidden Leaf Village Elders Homura Mitokado, Koharu Utatane, Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzō Shimura murdered Shisui Uchiha for  Mangekyō Sharingan abilities example Kotoamatsukami because Uchiha Clan coup d'etat against Hidden Leaf Village move corner because Nine Tails Attack happened six years ago sasuke uchiha and rose uchiha gone rogue abandoned Hidden Leaf Village known as Konoha be his light and Naruto: Shippuden TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories and Boruto: Naruto Next Generations TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories aftermath suffer effects from Fourth Shinobi World War for The Survivor Who died || Sasuke Uchiha Fanfic


@aryas1988 Can I ask what will be name Naruto: Shippuden TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories for Survivor Who Died || Sasuke Uchiha


@aryas1988 are we cool  plus I am really sorry sending too send a message, it is just ideas take your time post Survivor Who Died || Sasuke Uchiha stories.


@aryas1988 sorry for messaging it is ideas take your time post Naruto Story


Any chance you will continue writing your Naruto fanfic?


When will you release make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories of Naruto TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories, Naruto: Shippuden TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories Sasuke Uchiha and Rose Uchiha tell truth behind real reasons Itachi Uchiha got ordered from Hidden Leaf Village Elders Konoha Council Homura Mitokado, Koharu Utatane, Danzō Shimura and Hiruzen Sarutobi Third Hokage Sandaime Hokage Whole Uchiha Clan Members Massacre because uchiha clan coup d’etas against hidden leaf village because located corner put blame nine tails attack after Sasuke Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha death match past sins and crimes against own Uchiha Clan Members Massacre Five Kages Summit Land of Iron Country before start Fourth Shinobi World War IIII  and Boruto: Naruto Next Generations TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Stories for The Survivor Who died | Sasuke Uchiha Fanfic


@ZestEmeth it’s been over a month now..... still planning to continue writing? Or is it exam month for you too since six other authors I follow have gone on hiatus to deal with their exams?


@dragonatic099 Yeah, I will. Other than some issues I'm having with my family, I have more time now. I just need to re-read what I've already written to get back into the swing of things. If your looking for fanfiction in the meantime, I've got a bunch of reading lists that might help. You might need to scroll down a bit though.