
Update — Invisible String: In which the ninja find themselves a new home


Part of me has always wanted to write an AU book. You know when you write a fic for a fandom but it doesn't follow the episodes at all but it still has all the characters and maybe similar character developments. I've just never found the right fandom. I tend to get too drawn into the episodes so I want to write them. And when I do find a show/movie good for this type of book, the fandom is basically non-existent. 


@l0ngl1v3 | ITV's Vera. I'm finally finishing it and I'm inspired rn 


@Winter326 || what kind of au were you thinking of doing?


Just a little tip for those revising at the moment and like to procrastinate by watching netflix. Switch to ITVX or your own country's equivalent because although you're still watching something you can use the ad breaks to pause and do like 10 mins of revision and then continue to play.
          For someone like me that gets drawn into TV very easily, temporarily switching to ITVX has been a great help because these ad breaks prevent me from spiralling too deep and I can switch focus to revision or something else productive. 
          Just thought I should share 


@ Winter326  you're so right. Thank you again ♡


@mayamaybe29 | You're welcome. Netflix and similar services are really easy to get drawn into because the next episode is a click away. With ITVX you usually have to go out of it to go on the next one and the ad breaks are useful for exam times. I hope it helps when you try it. 


@ Winter326  ohhh thank you sm for the advise. I, too, am one easily swayed to watch TV instead of studying my stuff. I'll try it next time!!