
Chapter 1 of The Oracle Awakens is now up! Thank you all so much for your patience and support! <3




Hello dear author! I just hope you are well, healthy and loved!
          I love your story Lost in Time very much and hope we will see a sequel someday! 
          A sea of love and inspiration to you! Looking forward to your return! ❤️


@soul9love hello! Thank you so much for checking in!  Life has been very crazy for the last year (hence the lack of updates) but things are slowly getting better, and I hope to be able to start updating again soon. I've already started a sequel titled "The Oracle Awakens", so I'll be posting there when the next chapter is ready :) Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to reach out and leave a lovely comment! I hope you have a great day! 


Hi! So I was just ( don’t ask why) searching my favorite female leads on the internet to see if they pop up, and I don’t know if you knew this but when I searched up Lyssa Devons, it took me to a Pinterest page where Wattpad was actually advertising your book! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/lost-in-time-a-doctor-who-fanfiction--608337862187198254/


@CardanxJude20 whaaaaaaaat that's so awesome! Thank you for letting me know! And thank you for the kind words! <3 Things are slowly getting better, and I really appreciate your support!


Btw I am a huge fan of your Doctor Who books and I think they are literally one of the best books I have ever read!  And I hope everything is ok now, and we all are with you!


Just thought I would tell you because that is so cool!


Hello, sorry to bother you but are you planning to continue your book? (I hope you are doing well) (ps:i love your work❤️) 


@NouNou313591 hello! Things are very crazy in real life, which is why updates have been so sporadic, but I definitely do plan on continuing - and eventually completing - Lyssa's story :) Thanks for reaching out, I'm glad you're enjoying it! 


Hiiii huge fan!! I hope your life gets easier as reading your books made mine, I know how hard life can get. TT


@_silenterosion hello! Thank you so much for reaching out, and for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed, and I really appreciate the well wishes! <3


hey! how've you been doing? hope you're well.


@simpforameliapond Hey, thanks for reaching out!   Real life has been rather tough, and I've been insanely busy for the past few months, but things are slowly getting better. I'm hopeful to be able to start writing again soon; thanks for checking in! <3


          Im unaware if you’re still active, but I’ve recently stumbled across ‘Lost in Time’ and just wanted to take the time to write to you! :)
          Your writing skills are beyond anything, and honestly just such a pleasure to read!!! I’ve been “binge reading” your work and honestly have fallen completely in love with it! I’m at chapter 111 at the moment and my heart already aches from the thought of almost being finished. I’ll proudly say this will always be a top book for me, not just online as a “FF” but just in general literature. 
          Hope you’re doing well! 
          Thank you for this masterpiece :)


@catchingvertigo Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! Your support really means so much to me <3


I know this wasn’t my message post but I wanted piggieback and say I hope things get less tough for you! I’ve been following your writing for years and I’m sure other dedicated readers/fans like me will know that no matter the wait it will always be worth it for your beautiful writing! We’re here for you author-chan and I hope life treats you well and thank you so much for all your hard work in making your beautiful story, one of the best I’ve ever read even outside of the Doctor who universe. Much love! <3


@spilledcoffee1 Hey! Thanks for checking my story out, I'm thrilled that you love it so much! I'm unable to do much writing at the moment, hence the lack of updating, but I very much plan on continuing to write! I've been having a tough few weeks so I really appreciate you taking the time to reach out to me, this really made my day to read :) Thank you so much! <3


Hey! When will you update our beloved doctor who fic? I hope I can hear from you, and that you are good! <3✨


@missmoon_44 Thank you, I really appreciate it! <3


@Whovianeverlark17 I hope everything is solved soon and that we can read your good writing and Lyssa, who is missed


Hey! Thanks for checking in! :) Real life has been... Not great for the past few months, so I haven't been able to do any writing. However, I am hoping to get back to writing and finish the next chapter soon! I'm glad you're enjoying it :)


Hey! I felt compelled to make a recommendation post for Lost in Time in the Reddit r/FanFiction community. Your writing is so amazing I hope it reaches new fans, thank you again for sharing your hard work and creativity with the world! (PS I can totally take it down if you request) 


@catchingvertigo That's totally okay! I love that you enjoy it enough to recommend it to other readers! Thank you so much! <3


          I’ve been reading your doctor who book for a while now, and I find it incredibly amazing! There are honestly no words for me to describe the book itself. 
          Going off on that, I was wondering if I could have your permission to print and bind this into an actual book for myself? I feel like this book deserves that. 


Thank you! :) This cover was actually designed as a gift for me by a reader several years ago, which I really appreciated since my previous cover was just a simple picture of a galaxy. I didn't realize some people would change them regularly! I don't know, I may change it someday, but I'm not an arstsy person, so it will probably not happen until I'm done with editing the book, at the least and have more free time :)


It's honestly a great book! It deserves to be even a hardcover + pocket version. (which is usually the type of books I bind haha). 
            The only thing I am curious about is if you will ever change the book's cover. Some people like to change it so much, and while this one has stayed the same for....well, as long as I have read it, I wondered if you would ever change it. Ya know?


Hello! Thanks for checking out my story! :) I'm glad you're enjoying it! If you're just printing it out for yourself, I have no issue with that so long as my username is on it. Go right ahead! :)
            I do want to caution you though, that I am going through and making minor edits, but I'm not finished yet. So if you don't mind a partially edited fanfic, go ahead :) I've actually been considering printing and binding a copy for myself once I'm finally done editing it just because of how much I've put into this story hahaha. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day :) 


Hey! I'm a new follower, the truth is that I am reading with the translator because I am Spanish and I have no idea of Spanish but from what I am reading, it is super good, I love fanfic and I am very hooked. I'm honestly writing for the translator and I don't know if you understand something but it is what there is. I hope to read all your writings because they are great. And I also hope I can have your friendship, even if that means speaking through the translator lol.


That's totally fine that you use a translator! And it's all right if it takes a while to respond, I've been very busy with work recently so I won't be able to respond right away either 


@Whovianeverlark17 Oh, I could, maybe we can get to know each other. I would like to chat with you. I know I repeat myself a lot but I don't speak English and all I say is a translator, so if I take a while to respond that's why.


@missmoon_44 thank you! I don't have much social media outside of my writing but you can private message me here if you want :) 