
Guys... I want to finish Finding Belle. But before I release new chapters, I feel it's only right to tidy up the grammatical dumpster fire of a book that is Rejected by my Best Friend. :/ I know. But please stay tuned as I will be rewriting the chapters pretty regularly!


@Vanilla_Creme just checking in to make sure you're alright? It's been awhile and just want to make sure you're ok?


Guys... I want to finish Finding Belle. But before I release new chapters, I feel it's only right to tidy up the grammatical dumpster fire of a book that is Rejected by my Best Friend. :/ I know. But please stay tuned as I will be rewriting the chapters pretty regularly!


@Vanilla_Creme just checking in to make sure you're alright? It's been awhile and just want to make sure you're ok?


I'm just a girl from the other side of the world, you don't know me nor do I know you. We're complete strangers yet, we can discover each other throughout our writings, our stories and our books. If you love writing then hear me out and if you don't just ignore this , I saw your last update of the story you wrote about being rejected by the best friend . To be honest I totally agree with you, if you no longer feel the hang as a writer then something must be wrong , your role is to detect it and make it right. The plot is very intriguing in itself but to keep it that way you need to draw a plan, a pattern that'll help you bring out the best in your characters to create an appealing story. Grammar and vocabulary are necessary in writing but, without a good story those words and sentences are put to waste . a good story and good Grammar and vocabulary take your writing to a whole new level and you'd be surprised by its effectiveness. 
          My advice for you is to not give up if you really love writing but to work for it, we weren't born writers,  we become writers.
          My best wishes 
                                       ~A girl from the other side of the world


@VeeraDilara that was so emotional  
            I think am gonna cry 