
Wow!!!! 2M reads(☉。☉)!
          	We Can't Believe This.....
          	Love you guyss very much (つ≧▽≦)つ
          	Thank You for your love( ˘ ³˘)♥ 
          	We shall return one day >.<


@Three_idiots_india congratulations....waiting for your come back ❤❤


@Three_idiots_india Congrats, how are your lives as doctors.


@Three_idiots_india please come back with your stories 


With trembling hands, I approached him, my voice a whisper, 'Rohan, if it were not for your grandfather's will or your obligation to marry, would you have chosen me?'
          A heavy silence descended upon us. Rohan's eyes met mine for a fleeting moment before averting. A pang of realization washed over me; I had received my answer.
          'It's not that, Tia,' he uttered, a hint of guilt in his tone. 'I married you because I want to marry you.'
          A bittersweet laugh escaped my lips. 'Don't lie to me, Rohan. You are no better than those who exploit me for their gain. How could you do this to me? I know I may not possess the beauty you seek in a wife, but I do not deserve such cruelty.'
          Rohan's expression was etched with remorse. 'I'm sorry, Tia. I never intended to hurt you.'
          Tears welled up in my eyes as I confronted the harsh reality. My heart had been shattered into a million pieces. In that instant, I realized that our marriage was a mere facade, a union devoid of love and desire
          Hey everyone 
          Sorry Post it without your permission 
          Please give it chance and share your opinion 
          I will ensure you will not regret it 
          1. Arranged marriage 
          2. Chubby girl 
          3. Brown bride 
          4. Past trauma 
          5. Second chance 
          6. Grumpy men × Sunshine girl 
          7. Bdsm
          8. Dirty talk 



Hey there Author,
          Sorry for posting without your permission but if you're taking reading requests then do check out my book "His Little Monster" in your free time. I hope you would like it.


Please accept my apologies for sharing my story prior to your permission. It'd mean the world for you to look at my book and provide your feedback❣️
          Prepare to be captivated as sparks fly, hearts kindle, and emotions ignite, igniting a blaze of longing within you. The intensity of their connection will draw you into a narrative so vivid that you'll swear you can feel the heat rising off the pages.
          With a narrative that radiates the heat of their emotions, this is a tale that will both warm your heart and scorch your senses. As you delve into the pages, you'll find yourself immersed in a world where love knows no boundaries, and the yearning between Agni and Svaha is palpable.
          Embrace the allure of this story, let yourself be carried away by its fiery currents, and discover a passion that will leave an indelible mark on your literary soul. 
          So, dear reader, seize this opportunity to experience a tale of passion, destiny, and enduring ardour with Agni.
          New chapters on the 7th and 21st of each month!