
Hi, hello!
          	Sorry it's been too long. Life has been hectic, especially recently. I hope you all are doing well and staying happy and healthy. 
          	I've been writing some stuff here and there, and I'm currently trying to get a story about Kay from After the Ink written and edited. I decided a while back that her story wasn't going to end once After the Ink ended. So keep an eye out for that soon!
          	Thanks to those who have stuck around. Much love!


Hi sorry for posting without your permission,  I wish everything is going well there. ❤️ I would love feedback from an amazing writer like you! ❤ 
          If your time permits, then please give a try to my book. The concept is different! ❤
          I hope you guys will like the tangy taste of teen with a bitter pinch of pieces of broken hearts ❤️❤️ 
          Happy Reading


Hi, hello!
          Sorry it's been too long. Life has been hectic, especially recently. I hope you all are doing well and staying happy and healthy. 
          I've been writing some stuff here and there, and I'm currently trying to get a story about Kay from After the Ink written and edited. I decided a while back that her story wasn't going to end once After the Ink ended. So keep an eye out for that soon!
          Thanks to those who have stuck around. Much love!


          I've been taking in the love for Maid In Ink and wow, I can't thank you guys enough for the support. To see it in your hands is truly amazing. If you want to send over photos of your copy of MII to me, head over to my socials to send them there (:
          In other news, I'm in the middle of one story, and I'm currently planning another. One is part of the After the Ink series, and the other is a fantasy! I've never written fantasy, but it's my project for NaNoWriMo, so I'm gearing up for that. 
          Thanks for being so awesome!


MAID IN INK comes out tomorrow September 28th!
          The countdown to it’s release is here: 
          Click the link above tomorrow at 10AM MST to get your copy! 
          I’d really appreciate it if everyone can buy the book at the times below! It will be super helpful in boosting the book in Amazon’s rankings.
          However, I will still be super appreciative if you can’t at those times! 
          A quick thank you to everyone for coming along this journey with me for the past couple of months. I can’t believe this will be my 3rd book out. I could cry from how supportive everyone has been!
          ALSO! The Kindle version of After the Ink is FREE today!!


Happy Friday!
          Two announcements today:
          First: The Kindle version of After the Ink will be FREE on September 27th. Mark your calendars!
          Second: The book trailer for Maid In Ink is now posted on Typewriter Pub’s YouTube page! Here’s the link to check it out—>
          Finally, thank you for all the support! I cannot wait for you guys to have a copy of Maid In Ink in your hands and I can’t wait to start some other new projects ❤️


          I've been dying to let you all in on a little secret and the news is finally out! 
          It's official: Maid In Ink is being published!
          I can't wait for this to all come together. You can find more details here about sending in your submission for the cover contest:
          Thank you guys so so much. I'm so grateful for this once again!


          How are you guys? I'm currently writing, and I'm trying to decide which tropes I want to incorporate into my story. I'm a sucker for the enemies/rivals to lovers trope. What's your favorite trope in a story?


@alex_Corney96 Oooh yes! I think my favorite book on Wattpad with that trope is A and D (:


@The_Dreamer_10 my favourite trope is friends to lovers trope.