
          	As of now, the release for Mending Fate is experiencing a delay. The reason? That’s under wraps for now but I will be explaining and updating soon!
          	Please send all your patience during this time while I navigate some changes behind the scenes. I promise I’ll have more information soon. 
          	Love y’all and please keep in touch!


@TheFeveredBookaholic hey just checking on you. hope you're doin good and i pray for ya. love you!!


@TheFeveredBookaholic Excited for the release....... I hope you're doing well. 
          	  We will patiently wait for the release, so take it easy, and I am hundred percent sure you would come out with an absolute epic story, no doubt about it!!!


❤️ can’t wait to read when you publish it!!!


You are so incredibly talented am in awe with the way you write and express your characters emotions. I really hope you come back soon do not let the haters and negative people affect you, you are loved by me and am sure there are many other people who feel the same. For the fact that your book is free should get an accolade of its own so ignore the bad comments and be yourself 
          Ps: this people could never write such a detailed book like you and they could nev


Never ever be talented as you❤️


firstly i'd like to acknowledge the fact that you're a good writer .
          Not only the grammar but the content is wow honestly . 
          I've only read KNOX but now i'm venturing on reading all your other books .
          As an editor out of wattpad i know not to rush FELIX although i'd really appreciate helping and supporting you


your such a good writer , i love all your books so much . i’m sorry for the hate you have gotten in the past and most likely present because of the felix book . but i pray your doing well and i pray your finding your peace . your a person at the end of the day so there’s no rush . i thought i’d just give my thanks to you because i know how hard this is & the hate it comes with . and no person deserve that :(