
Hello everyone,
          	Just posting a message to inform you that...
          	I am hoping to have a couple uploads sometime with the next week for you all to peruse. At bare minimum, the next chapter of Marionette is guaranteed before the start of June. 
          	I know it's been an extremely long time since I've been online, but thank you very much for hanging around as long as you all have done. 
          	Until the update, all the best.


@SnappyCockatiel OMGGGG I HOPE EVERYTHING HAS BEEN GOING WELL FOR YOU!!! Take ur time and dont feel pressured pls


Oh my gosh! It’s been so long since I’ve been on wattpad, and I checked up on my all-time favorite fanfiction and author just to see your last update posted in 2023. I was sad to see it, and made plans to reread Marionette from the start. But then I see this?! I’m happy to hear that you’re back!


@SnappyCockatiel glad to hear from you, author-san! I hope you're doing good irl ༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ


Hi!!! I just wanted to say that I really enjoy reading your Obi story. It’s not even just the plot that’s good but the whole writing style in general! I really like Obi, but it’s so hard for me to find a story I enjoy or get interested in, and it doesn’t help with the fact that the anime is so underrated TT your doing great <3
          Thank care!


Hello everyone,
          Just posting a message to inform you that...
          I am hoping to have a couple uploads sometime with the next week for you all to peruse. At bare minimum, the next chapter of Marionette is guaranteed before the start of June. 
          I know it's been an extremely long time since I've been online, but thank you very much for hanging around as long as you all have done. 
          Until the update, all the best.


@SnappyCockatiel OMGGGG I HOPE EVERYTHING HAS BEEN GOING WELL FOR YOU!!! Take ur time and dont feel pressured pls


Oh my gosh! It’s been so long since I’ve been on wattpad, and I checked up on my all-time favorite fanfiction and author just to see your last update posted in 2023. I was sad to see it, and made plans to reread Marionette from the start. But then I see this?! I’m happy to hear that you’re back!


@SnappyCockatiel glad to hear from you, author-san! I hope you're doing good irl ༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ


Hello author-san, I'm posting this message because I've reread Marionette again, start to finish, after a whole year of trying to forget my obsession with it. Safe to say, I am once again obsessed, and I'll probably be for a few months again at the very least. 
          First of all, I sincerely hope life has been treating you well since you last updated, because rereading your last update made me remember that you were heartbroken the last time we heard of you. I hope you've been doing well since then and that the negativities, whether in real life or from self-centered readers, have died down.
          Since I failed to post this message last year, let me say this now. I believe that, and I say this with my whole heart, your works are masterpieces. Every single one of them. From the very first work of yours that I've read, which is Marionette, you have captured my reader heart. Every single chapter of your work is perfection, and I don't say this lightly. Your works are so beautiful that you've effectively ruined Assassination Classroom for me. Like, I can't even rewatch the anime, because every time I do I try to find Amaya, and the fact that she's not there makes my heart hurt so much. I can't look at the anime the same way ever again because of you, and this is a VERY big compliment. No fanfiction has ever effectively ruined the original work for me as much as Marionette, and you should be damn proud of it. Your fanfiction is so good, it should have a fandom of its own. People should make fanfictions of it. Honestly, Marionette is the only reason why I still keep Wattpad around. If not for this story, I would've uninstalled Wattpad already, 'cos I can't even read a chapter in this platform without cringing at everything, really.


PS I post here instead of DMing you 'cos don't know how messaging works on this app, I haven't been here long enough to really know my way through this app, and I left the platform after only a year, so yeah


On to the haters that send you hurtful comments. Honestly speaking, they're idiots, the lot of them. They're so deprived of common sense that they hate on the author for their inconvenience rather than support them. And you, gorgeous, beautiful human being, are absolutely deserving of support. I'll be frank, I don't have the means to support you, and I probably won't for a very long time. But just know that somewhere in this world, in some backwater province on a random country, there's a broke, sleep-deprived, miserable college student cheering you on in her heart.
            I hope this message reaches you and gives you a tiny bit of strength to carry on with writing, despite all the misfortunes in life and horrendously moronic, ungrateful readers.
            Much love, 
            A reader


Hello author-san (I don't know what to call you since I've seen other people call you Loki-Roki-san, and I became a reader when your account was still named Snappycockatiel, and now it's Amaris). I've always wanted to leave a review but I always get cold get when the time comes (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠). I just wanted to tell you that you are a very amazing author and I absolutely love your stories, especially Marionette. Your writing is so unique, so much that I physically felt possibly every emotion Amaya displayed throughout the whole story. I felt for her, so much that I wish I can just go to that universe and hug Amaya so tight that all her problems go away.
          I like how you made Karma so human, with very real flaws. I've seen countless fanfics that make him out to be the perfect make lead, attractive, super smart, likes to tease, has a bad boy attitude and a mean streak, but actually the perfect boyfriend you could ever have. Which is very wrong because I personally think he would be a bad romantic partner unless he sobers up and starts treating people right. And you made him exactly how he would have been. I love you so much for that. (Well, I say all this yet I'm still Karma's fangirl (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠))
          The other characters were perfect too. I absolutely love Amaya, Isogai, and Maehara's friendship, they're so adorable. I like how you let Maehara move on without making so much drama out of it. You didn't make him the cliche second male lead, and I absolutely appreciate that. I love that trio so bad (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤


Ooo, agreeed! If you ever open up a patreon or anything like that, I’d love to contribute when I can


I also love the subtle things that Amaya observed that hinted at Koro-sensei's past (like how she noticed that Koro-sensei walked like a human), and how she figured out that Koro-sensei was a former assassin that was experimented on through her own deductive reasoning. Amaya is actually really smart and observant, whoever said she's a stupid muscle head clearly is an idiot.
            On the last chapter, somebody commented that you should create a Patreon page, and that you should be compensated (I don't know if that was the right word) for your works. While I definitely agree with that, since you very much deserve it, I am just a poor student who can't afford to somehow compensate you for your stories. I still support you though, and I will continue to support you if you decide to publish your own work. I might not be able to buy one, but know that I'm cheering for you in my heart(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
            Take your time updating your stories, real life can be tough. Please take care of yourself and best of luck to you.
            With love,
            A reader


Hello! I was wondering if you ever thought of turning Marionette into a physical book? I know it's influenced by AC, but I've been reading your book for so long and throughout so many stages of my life, that I've kind of grown attached. And I was thinking the other day that I would love to have it on my shelf. I know making an actual book is pretty complicated, but I was just wondering if that thought ever crossed your mind.


i made some amaya fanart and id love to show u it, but i dont really know where i could send it to you. do you have like, a public email or something or is there a platform i could dm you it? 


@SnappyCockatiel alright! i followed you, and no worries! <3


@razaszu apologies for the late reply. You can get hold of me more successfully on my Instagram amarissluik but an email would be


Heeeey everyone :) Just a casual post to let y'all know I've uploaded a little something that isn't in my main trio of books. If you're at all interested, you can find it here :)

          It'd mean a lot if you could drop by, but as always, all good if you aren't up for it. 
          I'm going through and replying to comments today, so I apologize for any notification spam. 
          Additionally, I'm going to say that I haven't abandoned Opal Wings or Carnivore, I'm just putting most of my attention on Marionette at the moment as it's only got ten chapters left at absolute max, so I'm prioritizing our good old original Fic to try and finish it :) I hope y'all don't mind. 
          Anyways, all the best, guys~!
          <3 Amaris


@SnappyCockatiel oh no!! tech problems are the worst :( no worries about the delay! its great that they can save the data at least! 


@violetmaps well, sadly there is going to be a delay. My laptop died. Its currently in a computer shop in the next city (2 hours away) but because its an old laptop it might be cheaper to buy a replacement. But apparently they absolutely can get all my data off the laptop, its just, I might be without a laptop for a month


@SnappyCockatiel omgg 10 more chapters of marionette!!! so excited :o looking forward to what u have coming!! as someone whos following all 3 of those im happy with anything u decide to update hehe


hello! i just managed to catch up until the recently published chapter of the book marionette and it was such a ride. i love reading fanfictions of every animes i watched and your book is one of my favourites. it was so well-written and very refreshing because it was so realistic and not...sugar coated you can say, given the character's situation. i was not used to reading characters like amaya that is why i say it is very refreshing for me to read. i laughed and cried a lot, and overall, i reallyyy enjoyed it. i wrote this just to express how much i love your book so.. thank you for your hardwork and for making this masterpiece. i am looking forward to the future updates! take care♡


@SnappyCockatiel you deserve all those votes you've got and you're very welcome! i dont doubt that i'll enjoy the last few chapters left of marionette. have a good day<33


@bookwormroses Hello bookwormroses! I was watching your votes pour in as you were going through the chapters. I'm really glad to hear that you've enjoyed what I have submitted to date as much as you have. Honestly, that means a lot to me. It's nearly finished though, a handful of chapters left, so realistically you picked a good time to pick it up. In any case, I wish you all the best and hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters :)
            <3 Amaris


Hey guys, another random message, and sorry for being so flakey. Umm I just have a question I was hoping for some kind of answer on. Don't feel obligated to answer or anything but I was just wondering.
          Is there such a thing as a blog / writing site that you can set so that only people with a password can get onto and read?
          Basically, I miss wattpads original idea of letting a writer post a chapter that only a subscriber/follower could see, but ran some could not (I understand most of you might not have even realized such a thing used to exist). But a password required thing would be even better?
          Basically yeah, there are things I really want to upload, but I hate wattpads way of forcing you to make everything viewable by any bot or harassing moron that makes an account, they can still see everything you post, but all YOU can do is mute them so you don't receive messages. 
          So... any ideas?


@SleepDeprivedIdiot oh? Well actually that kind of suits me because I don't want original pieces going anywhere unless I'm ready for them to grow past a hand full of people. 


@SnappyCockatiel Ao3 has ways you can make what you post only available to users and the comments are easier to control. It also isn't necessarily fanworks exclusive. You can post works and have them tagged as "Original Works" or "No Fandom" the only downside to original works on Ao3 is that it usually doesn't get that much attention due to the sorting system.


@digibladelover Yeah, I've heard a little bit of that, too, but the downside to Ao3 is that it all has to be fanworks exclusive, and well, I actually do post anything, even if fanworks is my main area. I'd still have to find somewhere else for my original works too. Thank you, though :) I'll have to think a bit more on it.