
Hi babes and HAPPY BELATED HALLOWEEKEND!!After the bender I’ve had,  I think I’ve gotten maybe 9 hrs of sleep collectively since Thursday night but finally my month and a half of midterms is almost over and I’ll get a small reprieve from stress SOO that mean’s a new chapter is in the works, hopefully I can get it out by the end of the week!! 


@SkiSki26 hope everything is ok! Can’t wait for an update!!!


were gonna get an update when im 21 at this rate 


@SkiSki26 i hope u are okay its been 2 weeks


hey guys, if there are any stories that are similar to never in a million years (that big family, brothers friend type of thing) or any good stories i should read, please share w me xx


@thatpizzagirl19 if you find anything please share! i’m always trying to find books like niamy


or even a country teen/college romance xx


I've lost hope, but I just can't help it, I come here once in a while to see if she's posted a comment or just an "I'm ok guys" or even some msg that she won't be continuing this further. This is turning out to be worse than a break up without closure :( 
          I hope you're ok though Ski! 


SAME im so sad but it’s whatever i just hope she’s okay! My heart needs belle and co closure thpugh


I find myself here every couple of days just to see if you wrote something for us; something that’ll tell us you’re ok, you’re coming back soon or even to let us know that you’re done with this… just something…
          I need to thank you for presenting me to Noah’s music. I didn’t even knew he existed before your book and now he’s all I hear, all day, everyday! 
          So thank you Ski, for all the emotion you made me feel with your book and the songs you picked for it.
          I would love to know you personally, even  though I live in a small european country and you live in an american small town. I really think we would get along quite well…
          I really hope you’re ok, safe, healthy