guys, im making a return on becoming a magical girl, wish me luck!!!


Yayy good luck! Even tho I’m not trying to become a magical girl anymore, I’ll still read your magical girl journey if you write about it!!


UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE : (1) the "sweet" guy went wrong, because ALL MY RELATIONSHIPS JUST GO WRONG DONT THEY???? but i found a new partner, her a canadian sweetie and were polar opposites <3 (hes a working class farmer and im a posh fancy person, he loves people and im anti social, etc.) we have the golden retirever black cat kinda relationship and i love it smmmmmmm 
          (2) Some bad news, but im sick!!! I have a terrible fever and my whole body aches, my face is also heating up really badly and im BEAT red...


@SSECRET_ADMIRER ] let's hope this one works out better


I FOUND A NEW GUY AND I MADE SURE HES ACTUALLY SWEET AND ACTUALLY GENUINE- nothings gone wrong so far!!! We arent dating but we act like a couple and say i love u alot!!!!!


@destinies_stars yepp bc so far everyone ive been with /liked has been toxic asf (trust me theres MANY other toxic exes i havent mentioned on here...)


@SSECRET_ADMIRER ] hoping this new guy isn't toxic!!


I broke up w my toxic bf :)




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I called my discord friend an old man and bc he has anger issues he threatened to kill me & then he went on abt how he was gna kill himself to make me feel bad (imagine wanting to kill urself over being called an old man lmao) then he js traumadumpmed me abt his perants to guilt trip me and blah blah blah hes amnoying as FUCK


Erm okay so he apologized and now within one day he has a crush on me and keeps going on abt how he wants to "marry me" im scared-


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UPDATE ON THE NEW GUY : we started dating and turns out hes a walking red flag!!! I lost feelings for him and i wna break up but idk how.. here are the reasons why i dont like him anymore. 
          1) he said "if u could cheat on me who would it be with" i thought he was joking so i said "jay jay the jetplane" guess what this motherfucker said? "Oh i would probably cheat on you with [girl from our school] . I THOUGHT HE WAS JOKING. then after i called him out he played it off as a joke and said i was making it too deep & that i was overreacting
          2) he said he wouldnt care if i was flirting with other guys or even cheating on him, if he actually cared about me he would care about what i was doing. 
          3) he tries to shift the blame on me and manipulate me, not to mention he started acting like he went thru three world wars just because my friend told him he doesnt deserve me 
          4) when i told him that hes suppost to care more if i do end up flirting with another person, you know how he took it? He said i wasnt allowed to talk to any male anymore, not even my father or brothers. He said if i did, he would kill them. Threatening my family & other people? No thanks. 
          Sooo uhh yea !!! That guy that i thought was really sweet turns out to be a sociopathic asshole who im now stuck with until i figure out a way to break up with him...wish me luck!


@destinies_stars yea...this is like my third toxic partner


Aw I hope you find someone good like you deserve soon


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@SSECRET_ADMIRER Theoretically, i would beat the ever loving shit out of him. Realistically.....  just say that its over and if he tries something call the police and fight back or run if necessary


when are you updating your guidebook?


oh, okay! i just wanted to know what was up


@strawberryicing2005 im actually working on it !! Theres just alot been going on in my life rn, so ive been very innactive on wattpad