
randomly been feeling attatchment to dead poets society again, so here's an anderperry short story! i worked really hard on it, so i hope you love it!


ik the steve and nat story seems out of character but im getting back into the old, good marvel movies (how am i just now noticing how fine steve is?)! i ship romanogers, except i know steve would never do anything bc of peggy. but here's a little headcanon of what might have happened if he and nat had tried something! have a good day/night!


okay guys! so if you're suddenly wondering where all my works went, i deleted all the stories that i hadn't updated in 4587654 years or was never going to update because i abandoned those stories completely. i realized a lot of the stories were collections of little thoughts instead of actual stories. my little thoughts will go on my tumblr instead, @ravenclawramen. my actual stories will stay here. the only thoughts story im keeping on wattpad is the inheritance games one because people seem to enjoy that. but that's it. the other things left are my 3 finished stories and reviews of taylor swift songs. just an explanation for people wondering. also, im finishing up a story in google docs. after editing it, i will post it here! no spoilers, but i think some of yall are going to enjoy it!


PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE!! ATTENTION, EVERYONE! I HAVE OFFICIALLY FINISHED MY FIRST STORY!! *insert crazy clapping for oneself* It's only a short story, but still. I'm really proud of myself. It's like 3,000-something words!! I can finally say I have finished a work of literature, and hopefully I'll make something longer next time. It's a short story featuring Tam and Biana, because they are hands-down one of the best KOTLC ships ever. Shannon Messenger has to make them canon. Anyway, please go check it out if you've read the books! Have a good evening, everyone!