
I feel like I can finally say that Smart Guy has been edited *insert stock "yay" sound from every YouTube video*
          	Will I update Dance With Me? Debateable. I don't really think I'm totally back yet, but I gotta move with my muse.


@ RandomFandoms821  oh okay I will wait for you Kat and I will read everything you will write ♡
          	  Have a great day ♡


I feel like I can finally say that Smart Guy has been edited *insert stock "yay" sound from every YouTube video*
          Will I update Dance With Me? Debateable. I don't really think I'm totally back yet, but I gotta move with my muse.


@ RandomFandoms821  oh okay I will wait for you Kat and I will read everything you will write ♡
            Have a great day ♡


          So, I am officially announcing a break from Wattpad.
          It's not that I don't love this app, or writing, but I'm incredibly burnt out and going through a lot of changes, and it's just... a lot. I'm incredibly grateful for each and every person who has ever been a fan. I have stayed up incredibly late reading your comments more times than I can count, and I'm so glad I can do that.
          The fact of the matter is that I've been on Wattpad since I was ten. This makes next Feburary my ninth year on here, and I'm out of steam. I'm grateful to here in a lot of ways. Unfortunately, I have to step away. Take the app off my phone and just not be on Wattpad for a while.
          This unfortunately means that "Dance With Me" is on indefinite hiatus, since I don't know when I'll be back. I will be back! Don't misunderstand: I will be back. Eventually.
          I'll see you again!
          - Kat


this message may be offensive
So, I've wanted to watch "Call Me by Your Name" since it came out. Well, five years down the road, I finally did, and - excuse my French - it fucked me up bad. Not in a "I'm terrified of people" way, but more in a "I want to feel both this love and never feel it" way. I watched it Monday night, cried, and couldn't stop thinking about it. I figured another run-through would put me back in shape, but it screwed me up worse, and I've been crying on and off since I got home today.
          The story of people who love people is beautiful, and the more I learn about the behind the scenes, the more I love it.
          I highly recommend the movie if you think you'd like it. It's okay if you don't. Be warned that it does have an R rating, so DON'T WATCH IT IF YOU'RE A CHILD.
          Off to watch it again :)
          (Ftr, I do not support every actor involved. I genuinely enjoy the movie itself)


When I was in the fifth grade, I wrote the first draft of this kind of awful fantasy book. Now, it took me over half a decade (to finish the other books), but I finally completed the first rewrite of this novel.
          I know this has nothing to do with fan fiction, but I am extraordinarily excited right now.