
4am, close to 5, not yet at 7k words but I'll get there, problem, my mind is drawing blanks, maybe it's because I'm writing past midnight now, but I'll probably most likely finish it by tomorrow anyways, hopefully- I'll be taking a calculated rest of my cerebral function now, enjoy yourselves and sleep alot cause DAMN does it suck when you remove it from your life, cya


4am, close to 5, not yet at 7k words but I'll get there, problem, my mind is drawing blanks, maybe it's because I'm writing past midnight now, but I'll probably most likely finish it by tomorrow anyways, hopefully- I'll be taking a calculated rest of my cerebral function now, enjoy yourselves and sleep alot cause DAMN does it suck when you remove it from your life, cya


It's like 3am right now, 6000 words so far, good stuff............ I'm not even done yet, this might reach 7000- I don't want to split it into 2 chapters btw-
          also, the writing seems to get worse in my opinion as you read more, I mean in the chapter I'm working on right now, like I'm a bit confused myself on what's happening but when it's out you can tell me if you understand or if I should rewrite the entire thing 
          alrighty them, back to work it is


@ProximaShiro looking foward to it man


Maybe I should mention this now, but like I'm not single, surprise, so my time is very very optimised for a certain someone in my life lmao, so yeah... update tomorrow!1!1!1!1!1.... maybe-?


@ProximaShiro it's cool man I understand, even single guys like me have things in our personal our personal life to take care of.


Hello, it's me, I'm working on 3 chapters right now but like while working on it I got a story idea for some reason which caused a chain reaction of even more ideas which made me commit manual seizure as I like to call it (aka going crazy by falling flat on the ground and moving all around onto the ground like crazy as if I'm massively fangirling or something, I don't know how to explain it, I'm just hoping someone understands what I mean) and now my energy is completely gone as if I literally just woke up or did an extremely satisfying and long duration stretch.
           Anyway, I also have 11 + 3 + 1 + 2 Activities, all from the different subjects... if you're wondering, the 11 is mathematics-
          UPDATE PROBABLY ON LIKE... I dunno... April 12? 13? 14? 15? Now? Later? Soon? Maybe I'll finish it right now since I actually just got done rereading a bunch of older EiS fanfics so my motivation is through the roof... actually yeah, I'll try to get it done now so... See ya soon (°▽°)/