
Hello ONC Dragons✨
          	The Longlist is out! Make sure to check it out. All the stories can also be found on our profile in two special reading lists! 


@OpenNovellaContest Just wondering why a story selected for an ambassador's pick wouldn't be showing up in the 2024 ONC Ambassador's picks reading list? 
          	  Also, very exciting!!!


@OpenNovellaContest i want to submit my story but english tagalog only.ahmmm.


Congratulations everyone who made the shortlist today! That’s such an incredible achievement, so be sure to give yourself a round of applause and be proud of what you did! As for everyone who took part you did so well even if you didn’t get as far as you hoped, take pride in your efforts and the experience you gained from this event. I certainly have, and am very proud of myself for making it further than I even thought possible. I made it to the Shortlist despite thinking I wouldn’t be able to make the cut. Have faith in yourselves, take pride in what you accomplished and never give up!


@WendyyWolfe Thank you very much! Appreciate it


Congratulations to everyone who made the shortlist! My story is one of them, and I am so blessed to be a part of it all! To everyone who didn't, just know that you have a masterpiece on your hands. Just because you didn't make it as far as you hoped doesn't mean that it's all but over. Rather, think of it as an opportunity to turn your novella into a full-length novel with a chance to win the Watty Awards this year! Believe me, I had PLENTY of experience since 2020 when I had my old account! Anyway, keep your spirits up and dust yourselves off because your story still goes on. Keep writing and keep moving forward because you might have a future Watty-Award-winning novel on your hands! 
          To those who did made the shortlist, I wish you all the best in hopes of making it to the top five and winning the grand prize! We still have to play one final round of the waiting games as the judges read our stories in full detail. But it'll be worth it in the end because we did the damn thing with our stories. Whether you win or not, know that you created one hell of a masterpiece! And hey, you could make plans to make your story into a novel to win the Watty Awards as well! All the same, I wish you guys the best of luck! So, may the passion for storytelling be with you and may the best writer win!
          And in case you're interested, here's the link to my story:


Did anyone else have the issue of the story being marked as "ongoing" again suddenly? I'm so afraid I will be disqualified now...


@_marmoris_ yes I had that issue and I turned it back to complete. I hope it doesn't affect the selection process 


@_marmoris_ I didn't have that issue, but it could have been a glitch or something similar. Hopefully it doesn't affect you


Congratulations everyone who made the milestone, and the Longlist! You all worked so hard to reach point and deserve a round of applause 


@Tanu_ambia Thank you so much! This has been single handedly the great writing experience I've ever had!


@mahihkan-awa Congratulations to you too


Hey just noticed I'm not in the Ambassador picks playlist but I was selected 


@AWryneckWrites Same here. It seems they didn't add the Second Round picks to the first batch yet.


It’s normal for the qualifications for the long-listed and ambassador picks are not linked.


Congratulations to everyone who made it on the longlist! Now the waiting games begin for the shortlist! I hope it won't take too long! Best of luck to everyone! May the passion for storytelling be with you, and may the best writer win!


Hello ONC Dragons✨
          The Longlist is out! Make sure to check it out. All the stories can also be found on our profile in two special reading lists! 


@OpenNovellaContest Just wondering why a story selected for an ambassador's pick wouldn't be showing up in the 2024 ONC Ambassador's picks reading list? 
            Also, very exciting!!!


@OpenNovellaContest i want to submit my story but english tagalog only.ahmmm.