
Helllo, I would love to upload and share my books again. Sadly I am not in a safe place to do that, due to my family finding out about my childhood sexual assault… I’ve been outcasted and hated by everyone, and I sadly have no way out of my current situation. There’s so much to it and I haven’t been mentally able to work on my books while living in my current place. It’s filled with a lot of hurt, hate and negativity in my life I’m just in a deep rut and can barely think. I’m sorry so many of you have been waiting and I’ve been trying so hard to get myself into the place and situation I need to write again. I love and miss you all, I’m sorry. 


@NaughtyGoth99 We'll support you and your works if your healing, or even just taking a break.  This is your domain, and you don't need to prioritize us over your mental health.  We love and appreciate the many hours you've put into all of your stories and we will always be ready to enjoy your writing whenever you can create them. (always re-reading, gawd I love your works)
          	  Escaping a place like that is heavy on your soul, and it's hard to get out even if you do have help, which I know isn't always the case. Be safe, and try to focus on you-  I know we hate to hear it, and I kind of hate to say it, because it makes me feel like a hypocrite, but It will get better. Thank you for everything, and we'll be here with open arms, no matter what your choice may be.


@NaughtyGoth99 Keeping you in my prayers God will see you through just remember his always with you even when you feel like your falling and there's no one there, Trust me our Marvelous God will catch you..... know you are loved.


Ohh I’m so sorry that you had to go through all of that and that this is the face your getting from the world and no one should go through that specially with there family I don’t know what I can do to help but all I can say is I’m sorry and to not worry I don’t know if your religious or not but I’m orthodox and one thing I all ways say to myself and my family and friends when things are hare or impossible is “god is looking out for us and makes us stronger mentally emotionally and physically through these trials in life and he will never let you face them unless he know that deep down that we will prosper from this” now I don’t you when your trial will end but I know that you will get through it and we are all for you and if you don’t know what to do just hang tight and take it one step at a time. Hope you feel better❤️❤️


I am so sorry that you're having to go through this. nobody should have to go to that. take your time you are more important than the stories do what you need to do to take care of yourself first. I wish you nothing but peace love and happiness may God look down on you and protect you with all his love.


Helllo, I would love to upload and share my books again. Sadly I am not in a safe place to do that, due to my family finding out about my childhood sexual assault… I’ve been outcasted and hated by everyone, and I sadly have no way out of my current situation. There’s so much to it and I haven’t been mentally able to work on my books while living in my current place. It’s filled with a lot of hurt, hate and negativity in my life I’m just in a deep rut and can barely think. I’m sorry so many of you have been waiting and I’ve been trying so hard to get myself into the place and situation I need to write again. I love and miss you all, I’m sorry. 


@NaughtyGoth99 We'll support you and your works if your healing, or even just taking a break.  This is your domain, and you don't need to prioritize us over your mental health.  We love and appreciate the many hours you've put into all of your stories and we will always be ready to enjoy your writing whenever you can create them. (always re-reading, gawd I love your works)
            Escaping a place like that is heavy on your soul, and it's hard to get out even if you do have help, which I know isn't always the case. Be safe, and try to focus on you-  I know we hate to hear it, and I kind of hate to say it, because it makes me feel like a hypocrite, but It will get better. Thank you for everything, and we'll be here with open arms, no matter what your choice may be.


@NaughtyGoth99 Keeping you in my prayers God will see you through just remember his always with you even when you feel like your falling and there's no one there, Trust me our Marvelous God will catch you..... know you are loved.


Ohh I’m so sorry that you had to go through all of that and that this is the face your getting from the world and no one should go through that specially with there family I don’t know what I can do to help but all I can say is I’m sorry and to not worry I don’t know if your religious or not but I’m orthodox and one thing I all ways say to myself and my family and friends when things are hare or impossible is “god is looking out for us and makes us stronger mentally emotionally and physically through these trials in life and he will never let you face them unless he know that deep down that we will prosper from this” now I don’t you when your trial will end but I know that you will get through it and we are all for you and if you don’t know what to do just hang tight and take it one step at a time. Hope you feel better❤️❤️


Please bring back innocent nightmare or tell us why it was taken down and where else we can read it


I was wondering the same thing about it I was freakin g out when I was taken down


@SusanaSamuel6 , siii por favor, cuando estés mejor, trae a inocente pesadilla de vuelta, te deseo lo mejor. Que Dios siempre te acompañe.

