
I came here because I wanna check on you, then found out the last message on your board saying you kind of busy for work. I hope you're not forcing yourself and don't forget to looking after yourself, okay? Don't want my favorite author gets sick . I miss your book so much so I hope your work goes well and you can update soon ! Giving you a lot of love ❤! 


@codesevenn Thank you so much, this has honestly made my day. I hope you are taking care of yourself as well, and I wish you a great day!


I love all your books! Just found your account today and have already read everything! Love the cod one! Wondering if we are going to have a chapter 34?  Keep up all the good work! Love you!


@jsbysv9hvkprivaterel Hello! I am currently working on it, but sadly work has been keeping me more busy then I would like it. It should be out soon enough and thank you so much for your support! I hope you are having a great day/night!


hi! Honey, I'm here to tell you that I love how you write and I love your current fanfic! You became my favorite writer, Greetings from Argentina 


@Maiiizz12 Thank you so much!! I am not sure if I can call myself a writer but it makes me really happy to know you enjoy my work!! I hope you are having a wonderful day


You literally became my fav Autor


@Ilikebkdk_Lol Omg thank you, that's so sweet of you! This just made my day.


I love the COD book you wrote the characters personalities out perfectly and its honestly just amazing!! Keep publishing lovely!!!


@GremlinQueen103 Thank you so much, I am trying my best especially to match how they would act! I hope you will keep enjoying my works!


Hey love, just want to say I’m in love with your recent story and want to say keep it up you’re absolutely fabulous!


@GraciousAngel3 Thank you so much and thank you for reading it! sorry for the late reply I just found out this exists, I hope you are having a good day!