
          	Hello guys, after so many failed attempts to coming back from my Haitus, I am finally happy to announce that I am feeling much better now and I will be working on my books once again. Until now, there has always been problems or other commitments that have been preventing me from fully focusing on my writing. 
          	Now that I am in the final year break, I am going to be working on my books and try to put out more chapters as we go. 
          	Lastly, I want to thank all of you guys who kept constantly checking up on me and I was able to find support and motivation in all your amazing messages. It truly means a lot to me to see all of your genuine messages. 
          	Okay so enough of me going on and on about this, I will see you very soon with new updates and possible new books as well. 
          	Love you guys so much and until next time


@MokshDa_xoxo welcome back. Waiting earnestly for your soul touching story


@MokshDa_xoxo can't wait to read more from u


I can’t wait to see more work from you! Take your time


Loneliness is not solely a consequence of being by oneself; it originates from the inability to express what truly holds significance to an individual. It took her almost 25 years to comprehend this idea, and her entire life to fully understand the profoundness of her isolation. Despite being on the top of the world as the top assassin, she yearned for the fulfillment of her rights as a living, breathing individual. With a smile, she accepted her fate and died with regrets. 
          Little did she know, fate had other plans in store for her. As Saraha opened her eyes again, she was taken aback by the sight of three adorable pairs of eyes gazing at her inquisitively. To her astonishment, they called her 
