
AHHH today has given me major whiplash. Someone that I adore and have known for years, for the first time, made me feel icky towards them. I'm not gonna get into details because it's personal but at the same time I gotta say something because it's killing me. This person always made me feel so accepted and normal and today for the first time they made me tear up and think "wait...they don't like me as much as they like those other people, do they?" It hurts. ;-; on the brightside this tragedy will make my sad stories more soulful! LOL


AHHH today has given me major whiplash. Someone that I adore and have known for years, for the first time, made me feel icky towards them. I'm not gonna get into details because it's personal but at the same time I gotta say something because it's killing me. This person always made me feel so accepted and normal and today for the first time they made me tear up and think "wait...they don't like me as much as they like those other people, do they?" It hurts. ;-; on the brightside this tragedy will make my sad stories more soulful! LOL


I just noticed I haven't changed my bio in so long. It still says I'm 20 and I'll be 22 soon. LOL I'll eventually get around to editing that.


@Littlefufferfish two years later is crazy lmfao


So I have come to the realization that I probably won't continue the "Festival Of Flowers." I think I really set myself up for failure with that one. It's just too similar to the other lumax books I've written. I wrote a four book series, and then one standalone. Each about 30 chapters each. Realistically I don't think I have it in me to continue writing something else like it. 
          I may delete the project because I want to start getting rid of unfinished works as I know a lot of people probably get frustrated. Finding one of my books and then seeing they will never be finished. 
          I do want to do a couple lumax one-shots though. Once I think of ideas that are different enough that I will be motivated. 
          I hope I haven't disappointed anyone! 


plus totally understand, i had an unfinished story that i just abandoned (and refuse to reread because i was in like middle school LMAO) and i unpublished it lolll


aw ok :( i do really love your lumax books!! you’re so talented, and i look forward to your future stories!!


I have a new phone and I low-key hate how small the font is. Any tech people know if I can change the sizes of the font on screen? I'm sure it's possible I'm just not smart. Lol


if you have an iphone settings -> display & brightness-> text size and then you should be able to change it! :)


Is it just me or does ao3 generate a lot of unsolicited advice? Since I've been reposting my stuff there I've gotten a couple of "you should've done -this-" or "People don't actually say/do -this-." 
          I'm just curious because I don't really know anything about ao3 so if it's typically a more negative platform, I'll just stop posting there. Lol
          Their opinions are valid but also I'm writing fanfiction here people, it's not meant to be super realistic and perfect. 


maybe add in your author notes that you don’t want any criticism/advice and you’re just writing for fun ? a lot of authors do and it stops it


@Nayl0rWritesStuff I must've just been unfortunate enough to attract some goobers ;-;