
Akira Toriyama, Creator of the Dragon Ball franchise, has sadly passed away on March 1st at the age of 68. He was and still is an inspiration to myself and millions of others. The impact he had on anime in general should not be understated. I'm glad he was able to work on and express his creativity with Dragon Ball Daima. 
          	Most of my works revolve around Dragon Ball in some type of way. My works show only a fraction of my love for this franchise. It's truly shocking to be facing this reality right now. 
          	Rest in peace to the Greatest Of All Time.


@Laurentiino  Its such a shame artist like him and Kentaro Miura(Creator of Berserk) passed away


Akira Toriyama, Creator of the Dragon Ball franchise, has sadly passed away on March 1st at the age of 68. He was and still is an inspiration to myself and millions of others. The impact he had on anime in general should not be understated. I'm glad he was able to work on and express his creativity with Dragon Ball Daima. 
          Most of my works revolve around Dragon Ball in some type of way. My works show only a fraction of my love for this franchise. It's truly shocking to be facing this reality right now. 
          Rest in peace to the Greatest Of All Time.


@Laurentiino  Its such a shame artist like him and Kentaro Miura(Creator of Berserk) passed away


Hey man you know dragon ball legends got super 17 recently and you think it's possible to make a story based on Android 17 from gt and he can transform into super 17 and then back to normal form and celebrate super 17 dragon ball legends. By putting this version of 17 in dragon ball super as the hero story or crossover and 17 gets to shine beside saiyans all the time? It's a idea I been thinking of sharing with a writer for a while. Let me know if your interested or not in it. I don't really see any android heroes in fanfiction specially android 17 lately.


IMPORTANT: As of right now I am working on finishing up my stories. This should take until 2024 since I also have school. Once I finish all of those stories, the content will be MUCH different and I will be focusing on more realistic stories (real people). But I won't COMPLETLY STOP the fanfics if I happen to have more ideas. Just want to let yall know about the upcoming changes ‼️


What happened to Omni Ball Z?


Fair enough and I see you had him appear in Dragon Ball instead of DBZ


@Mephiles1 Exactly, so this time the story is going to have Ben's original aliens to start 


@Laurentiino well to be fair, you added Majin and GOD forms way earlier in the story, of course Ben would end up being one of the most powerful being in that reality