
I don't know if anyone actually reads these or pays attention, but I just wanted to let those of you who do care know that I finally have my notes mostly sorted out again. I'd say about 85% of the plot is hammered out, the rest being wiggle room for when the characters want to do their own thing on me. Barring complications from life I should be back on track to working on The Pit Just Happened rewrite 
          	AKA War of Change and hoo-boy will it be a doozy.


@HAMrules I know what you mean. I've been doing that for months now and it really helps to get back to the roots. I hope all is well for you! I'm honored at least one of my stories has been able to help :) I'm hoping to be posting chapters soon. I want to write a few more before I do, but that'll take time. I got a new job and I'm working full time.


Hello King-Sideswipe! Although I haven’t been paying attention for awhile, I’ve found that going back and reading up on writers I followed awhile ago is comforting to me right now. I’m kind of in a turbulent state of changing plans mental hurdles and coming back to these stories and the people that write them has been a tremendous help. Keep it up and I can’t wait to read the rewrite!


I don't know if anyone actually reads these or pays attention, but I just wanted to let those of you who do care know that I finally have my notes mostly sorted out again. I'd say about 85% of the plot is hammered out, the rest being wiggle room for when the characters want to do their own thing on me. Barring complications from life I should be back on track to working on The Pit Just Happened rewrite 
          AKA War of Change and hoo-boy will it be a doozy.


@HAMrules I know what you mean. I've been doing that for months now and it really helps to get back to the roots. I hope all is well for you! I'm honored at least one of my stories has been able to help :) I'm hoping to be posting chapters soon. I want to write a few more before I do, but that'll take time. I got a new job and I'm working full time.


Hello King-Sideswipe! Although I haven’t been paying attention for awhile, I’ve found that going back and reading up on writers I followed awhile ago is comforting to me right now. I’m kind of in a turbulent state of changing plans mental hurdles and coming back to these stories and the people that write them has been a tremendous help. Keep it up and I can’t wait to read the rewrite!


Greetings! It has certainly been a hot minute... I swear I'm working on the rewrite to The Pit Just happened. Life has just been kicking my ass and all I've been able to muster with writing is little drabbles and maybe 1k words at a time for the rewrite, if that. I do need some help with the rewrite though. I've got multiple ways the story can go, but I'm having trouble making it solid and have finally decided to come to the people who might still enjoy my fanfics. The poll is on my account, but I'll go ahead and share it here too.
          In The Pit Just Happened rewrite, which universe would you like to see Freeflight and company the most?
          1. G1
          2. Prime
          3. Stay with the movies
          4. Other
          For "other" let me know what you want to see so I can add it, but these are the ones I have. Let me know your thoughts!
          Poll can be found here:


Guess who has a five day coming up and will have time to get some writing done? Yup, this girl :3 Dunno what I'll work on, but I'm in a creative mood and will finally have time to put it to use. Just have to get through tomorrow's PT and an hour or two long safety brief and give a 2 minute speech on why I should be allowed to phase up because I did the 6.2 mile bike with a constant resistance instead of doing the 2-mile run to my Drill Sergeant (yes they have brought Drill Sergeants back to AIT).
          (._.) ( l: ) ( .-. ) ( :l ) (._.) Kmn


Long time no update.
          Finished basic back in December and started AIT training the same week I got here. A few days ago, after weeks of mind numbing boringness of sitting in class and learning how to read manuals and search things, I finally got to see my first Apache and oh my frag that's easily the coolest thing I have gotten to see and climb on. I wish I could go into detail about it, but unfortunately that's one of those things I gotta keep quite on or risk losing my job. All I can say is that's it's super cool and a privilege to be able to work on and help to maintain the one of the most advanced helicopters in the world.
          Soon to be able to work and maintain anyways. I have to graduate first. I have to pass all tests and get a certain percentage on pt tests which is currently kicking my butt since I'm on profile for screwed up feet and am stuck on remedial pt because I wasn't able to finish my 2-mile run because of bad foot/shin pain :'D So thanks to remedial I really only get about an hour of free time to get ready for the next day and relax.
          What does all this mean? That I haven't been working in the slightest towards writing any fanfics which sucks because I've been having a bad itch to write, but can't.
          Thank you to everyone who read and liked my stories and decided to give me a follow!
          - Whirly Birb


Guess everyone deserves an update... Kinda been procrastinating on it. I'm not going to be a Warrant Officer like I had hoped to because I missed the minimum score by two points. So instead of flying a helicopter I chose a job where I would be working on them (MOS is15Y if anyone wants more info) until I can retake the test. I'll be shipping out on September 25th to Fort Leonard Wood for nine weeks. After that I will be going to Fort Eustis for my AIT for 32 weeks. Needless to say I'm not gonna be having a life for the next six-ish months.
          So just an FYI this will probably be the last time you'll hear from me for quite a while.


Let this be a fair warning to all of you: The next time someone tags me to share personal information about myself, you will be blocked without any hesitation. I don't care if you have some sort of "mental disorder." Guess what? I have a few myself and I never use them as an excuse to do something so that's a lame excuse and you'll have to do better.
          On that note, this Birb is going to be going into the Army so I will not be working on any fanfics due to not having any free time to myself for the next year or so due to Basic and Warrant Officer training. That is if my WO application gets accepted which I'm really hoping for because who doesn't want to fly helicopters for a living?
          Thank you all for continuing to follow me and my ridiculously long periods between updating anything. I really hope I don't have to block anyone, but again, I will do so without hesitation.


So I started college over the winter to get my associates degree in computer science... It sucks, but I enjoy it. I haven't been working on any stories due to that because schoolwork to further my career is more important to me then a side hobby I do for fun. Almost as soon as I get my associates I'm planning on getting my bachelors degree in helicopter piloting so I can hopefully be a firefighter heli pilot. So yeah, I'll be incredibly busy for the next five or so years meaning little writing. I know, it'll be hard to wait for already slow updates being slower, but I promise I will write when I can.
          Thank you all for your patience (:
          I'm on Instagram where I post art every now and then when I can so if you want to follow you're more then welcome to.
          So clever, I know, but I wanted people to find me easy x) So yeah, just come on over and follow *cough*stalk*cough* me if you want.