
The whole story for “I Never Loved You” is completed now 


I just wanted to announce that I’m working on another Johanne story, I’m currently on writing the 4th chapter  of “I Never Loved You” but I want this book to be longer than my previous ones so I’ll probably spend more time on this one. Unless schools go online, than I’ll probably have a lot of time to write 


Update #2
          Currently on the 15th chapter of my new book. Don’t know how many chapters they’re going to be but it’s gonna be over 20 at least. But yeah, just wanted to update y’all


@Johanniestories1 can't wait!! It's gonna be so good!! 


          I currently wrote seven chapters of my new book (still working on my seventh chapter tho) but I’ve been very busy this week, apparently my history and health teacher love giving tests, projects and homework. But next week I have math and civics so I may not be as busy since I’m very fast in math so I’ll probably be done at least 13 chapters. Anyways I may post my new book soon, depending if I want to post it while I’m still writing the rest of the chapters or once I finish the whole book. 


Uhm so I’m currently working on a story, I don’t know when I’ll post it though because I start school next week and I may get busy. But I also want the grammar in my books to be better and I want to make more chapters so it’ll probably take more time. Anyways, just wanted to warn you guys :) 


@Johanniestories1 I understand take your time no rush 