
If you want to help support me and make sure future updates are on time please subscribe to tier one on my Inkitt page <3 It is not required, as I am happy with just you guys reading my books and leaving feed back but if you do choose to help out, thank you so very much, it means the world to me.
          	My name on there is also Jessthebatnerd


I absolutely love both of your book Switched and Desired. I hope that you do post soon, I am dying to read of what you have in store! You write so beautifully and I have read both books within 7 hours I could not put my phone down! 


Heeyyy ....I just finished reading the book switched and I am sooo in love with it....I can honestly say it was one of their books that just couldn't stop reading and literally refused to peel my eyes of the screen bcs I that much in love with it.....that being said I am literally dying not being able to please update the book desired.....Good luck gurly


hey I just completed the book switched and started to read the second part desired. Gurl u r awesome. I can feel it u have poured ur heart writing this masterpieces. Continue doing this and make us flatter.  Me being a book worm it really itches me that I can't read all the chapters of the book desired. Hope soon you will release the chapter.  M soo eager to read those. Alotssss of love. Slay girl!.


hey I just completed the book switched and started to read the second part desired. Gurl u r awesome. I can feel it u have poured ur heart writing this masterpieces. Continue doing this and make us flatter.  Me being a book worm it really itches me that I can't read all the chapters of the book desired. Hope soon you will release the chapter.  M soo eager to read those. Alotssss of love. Slay girl!


If you want to help support me and make sure future updates are on time please subscribe to tier one on my Inkitt page <3 It is not required, as I am happy with just you guys reading my books and leaving feed back but if you do choose to help out, thank you so very much, it means the world to me.
          My name on there is also Jessthebatnerd


Hi everyone! I've been doing better since my last update and will begin to start posting again soon. I know I've mentioned several times that not being able to secure a slot as a Wattpad paid author has been making my dream of writing harder, and its true. However, I've finally found a way to make money off of writing and it's actually taken some of the pressure and stress off of me. I don't know if any of you guys use Inkitt, but I've started posting my books on there as well, as was thinking about setting up a subscription option for the newest chapters I post, (I will still post them here for free a week after I post there) but for those of you who would like to support me by subscribing that way I can continue to chase my dream of being an author, it would mean the world to me. But again it is optional. Thank you all for being patient with me, and I will work on a new chapter for both books and post them when I'm done.


Extremely happy your doing better ❤️


Hi everyone, I know you're all waiting for new chapters of Desired and are most likely aggravated/mad with me for not uploading. The truth is I'm not mentally doing well, I've been struggling for months with my depression and the will to get tasks done. Writing being one of them. I never expected Switched to blow up so suddenly like it had, and was not prepared for all the demands I'd get for book two. Switched is the second book I have ever completed in my LIFE, and I just finished it at the end of last year. So, yes I understand the demand for new chapters are up, but I am mentally drained. I've been forcing out chapters when it takes everything in me to just open my laptop. I read every comment you all make and I know I'm falling short with new content but like I've said in the past, I'm not getting paid for anything I do here and that also weighs heavy on me. I'm genuinely doing my best and I hope you all know I'm not being lazy or ignoring your pleas for chapters. I just don't think Switched is good enough to keep posting new chapters of book 2 when book 1 needs significant edits, all I have to do personally with no help at all. I know you all don't care and you loved Switched just fine, but mentally I cannot accept leaving it in such an unfinished state. I think taking some time away from creating and just editing Switched will do me some good, and get this gnawing feeling of inadequacy out of my mind. Please continue to be patient with me and if you cannot I understand. Still, thank you all for reading my books, and staying while I fix my mental health. I will not abandon any of the books I'm working on, I just need some time to get healthy again.


@phantom_dreame I have not given up on it, I just needed a complete break from everything. I promise I will begin posting again soon. <3