
I’m back!
          	Happy Monday morning, everyone!
          	Well, with a new week ahead I’m hoping to get back into the swing of things! 
          	I’ve recently added 2 new songs to T68HG playlist! (For those who hadn’t guessed, thats The 68th Hunger Games shortened. Its easier than typing it ;D)
          	Anywho, I’m always on the look out for any new song recs to add to it, so say something if you’ve got any!
          	Glad to be back, yall!
          	@isabellethebookwormw over and out!


I’m back!
          Happy Monday morning, everyone!
          Well, with a new week ahead I’m hoping to get back into the swing of things! 
          I’ve recently added 2 new songs to T68HG playlist! (For those who hadn’t guessed, thats The 68th Hunger Games shortened. Its easier than typing it ;D)
          Anywho, I’m always on the look out for any new song recs to add to it, so say something if you’ve got any!
          Glad to be back, yall!
          @isabellethebookwormw over and out!


Thank you so much for adding two of my stories to your library, it really means a lot. I hope you enjoy them.
          -Anonymous Mockingjay


Aww, your very welcome! Us small writers have to look out for each other, right?


Hey y’all :)
          Haven’t released anything too major of late, just suffering from a bit of a lack in confidence. Just gonna take the next week slow, so you won’t see a whole lot from me.
          Hopefully I’ll be ready and roaring by the time I’m back!


@Isabellethebookwormw Take your time, girl. Honestly, I've been really struggling to get anything out for my book as well.


Hey everyone! 
          So it’s nearly been 2 weeks since I released new content, and chapter 6 is still very much under development. I dare say you wont be seeing it out this week and I kind of left chapter 5 off at a somewhat confusing point (at least it seems confusing to me), so any questions you have regarding the plot, or what I have revealed of it so far, don’t hesitate to ask! 


✬ Attention readers!✬
             @Isabellethebookwormw has levelled up her aesthetic game! 


!!Update Announcement!!
          I’d like to introduce a new character to The 68th Hunger Games!
          A new and original escort named Lucia Craine has been introduced to replace Effie Trinket! 
          It was brought to my attention a while ago, the fact that each district has it’s own escort rather than 1 that does every district! Well, after some editing and minor changes, District 4 now has it’s own original escort!
          Go and read chapters 2-5 to go meet her!
          And once again, feel free to vote, or let me know if I’ve made any mistakes!
          @isabellethebookworm over and out!


@Isabellethebookwormw I'm so excited to check it out!!


Hello readers!
          Quick update announcement on The 68th Hunger Games!
          An aesthetic board has officially been released, and I updated the playlist I released a while ago!
          And maybe you’ll get to see chapter 6 soon? Possibly an original escort for District 4?
          I wont promise anything…
          …Yet ;)


!! I DID IT !!
          I did it. I finally did it.
          After approximately 1 hour of procrastinating, half an hour’s worth  of youtube shorts, and 5 minutes of cringing, I am glad and excited to announce that CHAPTER 5 OF THE 68TH HUNGER GAMES HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN RELEASED!!
          I will quickly mention that I didn’t intend it to be 6k words long, so I apologise that it’s so long ;D
          I was particularly nervous posting this chapter, so if you could leave a vote or comment, I would greatly appreciate it! 
          Thank you so much once again for following Zuri’s story! 
          @Isabellethebookwormw over and out!


@Isabellethebookwormw Ah!! I'm so excited to read it!