
I think you all should read my new Alice in Borderland book I posted today.


For the oneshot, what are some of your headcanons for Flower Child! Tord?  Like, is he trans like ADIFTP! Tord or does he have an intersex variation that allows him to get pregnant?


@Headcannons Any headcanons for Tord from ‘Harpoons’?


@Headcannons Thank ya!  I’ll keep that in mind-


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@Pxpperdrawsart he is proudly trans-masc, hyper sexual, and generally a menace. He does have worse English Grammer than the other 3, but he does fully understand the language. He is more emotional vulnerable with his pregnancy and shit, but also suffers from the whole "I don't need help fuck you,' issue. I don't believe the end ever happens in that universe, so he's the only one unscarred. He has a gap tooth, wavy-almost curly hair and pale skin. I cannot remember what eye color I gave him, whoops. He was in the army but quit, still friends with Paul and Patryck. He's also the type to avoid talking about his emotions even if it killed him (literally)


Imagine if all your different versions of Tord met each other-?  How would that play out?


@Pxpperdrawsart I would scream (affectionately, of course)


@Headcannons What if I told you that I’m gonna attempt to make a oneshot of this sh!t and I’m just gonna give them mildly humorous nicknames (ex. Surrogate for ADIFTP! Tord and Garden club member for Flower Child! Tord) that make it obvious who’s who to not get all the Tords mixed up-


            I have far too many variants to even consider that, but it would be very chaotic. 
            From my main 3 fics, though; INS: Tord would be singled out for being the only one who has romantic feelings for the other 3. ADFP! Tord is Aroace and TI! Tord is still recovering from their abuse + just doesn't like them. TI! Tord would be jealous of them being family with Paul+Pat, and ADFP! Tord would be weirded out by Paupat since they're brothers to him. Also of course he's POC and would be confused about that. At the very least, they'd bond about trauma.


Staying true to my name, I don't think a single Tord from my books is the same. Like, at all. Anyway, while I design a new cover for one of my books, let me rant to y'all some interesting things I've decided on for the various Tord's.
          Trust issues:
          Height: 5'6
          Age: 28
          Sexuality: Bi
          Gender: Male
          Appearance: wavy, light brown hair that forms two hair horns. Pale skin with burn scares on right side, light freckles where there are no scars. Gray-Blue eyes.
          Other: He has social anxiety, autism, and PTSD. hates loud noises and is texture sensitive. Has no living family and moved to England at 18
          I'll never say:
          Height: 5'6
          Age: 26
          Sexuality: Bisexual and Poly
          Gender: Male
          Appearance: straight, light brown hair that forms two hair horns. Pale skin with burn scares on right side, large amounts of freckles, and gray-blue eyes.
          Other: has PTSD and depression, and is a chronic people pleaser. In a poly relationship with his three ex-roommates. Adopted at 5 by Paul and Patryck, moved to England at 10.
          ^^spoilers ahead^^
          A deal I'm forced to play (major spoilers for things I've yet to cover)
          Height: 5'4
          Age: 29
          Sexuality: Aromatic and Asexual
          Gender: (Trans) Male
          Appearance: Curly, dark brown hair that forms two hair horns. Light brown skin with minimal burn scars on right side, freckles lighter than skin tone across unscathed skin. 
          Other: Has PTSD. Is ok with QP relationships, but uncomfortable with having sex. He is mixed (half white, half black). Middle brother of Paul and Patryck, and moved to England at 15.


Ooh Paul and Pat are his siblings in ADIFTP- I can sense that things are gonna get j u i c y -
            So I’m guessing Tord, Paul, and Pat are either triplets (since Tord said that multiples runs in his family-) or Tord is twins with one of them while the other doesn’t have a multiple?-


oh yeah, ADIFTP tord has green eyes


its 2 am and i just posted about 9-ish-k worth of words to trust issues. and i haven't even touched to ao3 version. Good night, im sleeping for a month


@Headcannons Holy macaroni, I'm glad you had a nap thats hella late 


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            Why thanks. My dumbass went to bed at 7am somehow but I did have a nice nap


@Headcannons You've worked yourself to death basically, enjoy your hibernation 


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Trust issues preview! 
          Chapter 14, unnamed
          "But this isn't like last time," he stressed, tilting his head slightly. "And your friends look like they hold their own just fine," 
          "I don't know that! I don't know that everything will be fine, because fuck, Tord is harmless as a wet cat but I just can't believe that! I hate him so damn much, everything is his fault," Tom hid his tear filled eyes behind his hands, shame burning his face in a dark red hue. 
          "I don't blame you for hating him, no one is here to tell you to just be nice, forgive and forget. That's unrealistic, we both know that," Paul offered in his most comforting voice, though his exhaustion surely showed. "I don't care if you like him, neither does he. What does matter though is how you express this. Breaking his phone? Insulting him? That's not a healthy way to express your anger. For anyone," 


            Somehow I thought its been longer since I updated last chapter. Time has really gotten away from me, and since I'll be starting work in just 2 weeks, here's to hoping I can finish this story by then.
            Note, this snip is only the draft, so the final product will likely look different


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Misty book info post mini: trust issues
          Goddamn, do I have to split this next chapter again? Yes, yes I do because we're closing in on 3k and I'm like half way done. :(
          Guess y'all will have to wait even longer for the epic Paul vs. Tom show down. Whoops.
          Also fuck me, there's so much dialogue. God.