
          	A question for my American friends here: would any of you be willing to answer a few questions related to the school system in the US? I've run into a few issues with the timeline for my MC, and as I'm not from the US and have only a general idea of how schools work over there, I'd like to make sure I get it right.
          	Let me briefly explain what my problem is: the entire story takes place in the first two weeks of June. And in the original version, my MC was 19, so out of school, no problem here. However, now, for reasons that are way too long to go into right now, I need to make her at least a year younger, but I also need her to be out of school because having to attend classes would unnecessarily complicate and change the story.
          	Although my research basically told me one big "it depends", from what I've gathered, students usually finish high school when they are 17 or 18, and graduation typically occurs in May or June. So, in theory, if I say she's 18 and mention that she just graduated from high school in May, it would make sense, right? (I mean, it's a low fantasy story, so it'd be a shame if her graduation date was the most unrealistic part of the plot :D)
          	For context, as it may be relevant, this is happening somewhere in Virginia.


@Hatramska yay! No problem! Happy to help :)


@annkreeves Yes, that helps a lot! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer! :)


@Hatramska Your research is 100% right :) I’m a public school teacher and 17/18yos are seniors in high school. They tend to graduate mid May to early June :) So if your MC lives in Virginia, they probably attend school until mid   June, which means your protagonist would have some of June, all of July, and some of August off before starting college (if that’s where she’s intending to go). Hope that helps! 


          A question for my American friends here: would any of you be willing to answer a few questions related to the school system in the US? I've run into a few issues with the timeline for my MC, and as I'm not from the US and have only a general idea of how schools work over there, I'd like to make sure I get it right.
          Let me briefly explain what my problem is: the entire story takes place in the first two weeks of June. And in the original version, my MC was 19, so out of school, no problem here. However, now, for reasons that are way too long to go into right now, I need to make her at least a year younger, but I also need her to be out of school because having to attend classes would unnecessarily complicate and change the story.
          Although my research basically told me one big "it depends", from what I've gathered, students usually finish high school when they are 17 or 18, and graduation typically occurs in May or June. So, in theory, if I say she's 18 and mention that she just graduated from high school in May, it would make sense, right? (I mean, it's a low fantasy story, so it'd be a shame if her graduation date was the most unrealistic part of the plot :D)
          For context, as it may be relevant, this is happening somewhere in Virginia.


@Hatramska yay! No problem! Happy to help :)


@annkreeves Yes, that helps a lot! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer! :)


@Hatramska Your research is 100% right :) I’m a public school teacher and 17/18yos are seniors in high school. They tend to graduate mid May to early June :) So if your MC lives in Virginia, they probably attend school until mid   June, which means your protagonist would have some of June, all of July, and some of August off before starting college (if that’s where she’s intending to go). Hope that helps! 


I've submitted The Main Character for the first round of ONC2024, though I'm still not sure if I'll be able to finish it in time. Finding time to write seems to be much more difficult than I anticipated due to my offline projects. But I guess we'll see how it goes.
          I'm also way behind with reading other ONC entries, so sorry everyone, I'll try to catch up soon! There are so many amazing stories this year that I don't want to miss any.


So... Do you remember how I said a few days ago that I wasn't going to participate in ONC this year? Turns out I had no idea what I was talking about. Or I just couldn't help myself, seeing all your amazing stories.
          Anyway, the first chapter of The Main Character is out now! I hope you like it! Let me know what you think.


@Carolyn_Hill Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it!


@Hatramska Your first chapter is phenomenal. Gripping, engaging, with an amazing voice.