
I sincerely hope…..I’m not spamming the lots of edits I’m doing in some chapters ;;;;


Just realized I didn’t unpublish all the chapters 


@warabihime_14 the way I panicked when I saw almost every chapters still there ;;; also thanks for liking my OC ^^ nothing’s confirmed yet so things might be different or not ;)


Hi hi! Just here to say that I’m trying to get back at writing and sorry for the lack of updates ;; It’s been quite a long time and I know I haven’t posted anything new even when I planned to do so (which was a year ago). Kinda got busy, but I still want continue the story and I’m trying my best, so maybe between this month or the next one I will be bringing the new chapter along Kei’s profile. (Gotta read all the chapters again tho)
           Anyways, I hope y’all have been safe and healthy and thank you if anyone still waited patiently for an update. Also thanks for the ones who gave and left a few comments (it really motivates me)


Hi to anyone who are waiting for an update in my book! First of all, thank you so much for reading it even when I don’t update much as before.
          Currently I’m in a bit of a writer block so probably it will take me a bit more time to update :( I apologize for this.... also, I’ve been starting to work on Kei’s profile and drawing! It will also take time but look forward to it! :) 
          Besides I have started with Uni classes not too long ago again... (but I’m a liiiitle bit more free this time so I think I can keep trying to continue with the story! Can’t assure you that I’ll constantly update tho :( ) anyways! I hope y’all have been taking care and staying strong and healthy despite the pandemic situation ❤️ 


@HaruMittan ahhh ,I am so happy to know that you going to post the chapter , and I doing well thank you


@gurenxm Hiii I’m doing fine, just a bit busy with Uni things. I hope to update soon, tbh lately it’s been difficult to even write T^T I have Kei’s drawing ready tho, I will be posting both (the new chapter and the drawing) once I have the chapter ready ;-;


Was the new chapter okay? Sorry, I’m just kinda anxious about it ㅠㅠ


@gurenxm Oh about that! I haven’t determined who will be with her actually. For now I’m trying to develop the things in a slowly, instead of going straight up that who will be with who. From the last chapter it might seem that Guren will stay with Mahiru, but there’s still much changes I gotta make in the future for the story so that’s still not decided. 


@ HaruMittan  I mean how will be the bf for mikan but if had to say I ship mikanxguren but I think guren with mahiru so ...


@gurenxm Thank you! And by what you mean by if it’s good tho? 


So, I got a D in Anatomy and I got another chance to recover that to a C with another exam, which will be by 13th of January....so I’m not gonna be free till then. But I might be writing a bit in some days and also, after that I’ve got vacations till March so it will be plenty of time to bring more updates! Please be a bit more patient and thank you for being so understanding and patient with me! 


A message to the ones waiting for update...I’m terribly sorry again. During my vacations, I had lots of inconveniences, having to help out my fam and also preparing for the next semester.... Also, this semester is kinda heavy. I’m taking this Anatomy course and it’s hella difficult if I don’t focus on this. I just have one month since I began the semester and it already feels dreadful, so I’ll have to say again that I’m not going to update soon. My vacations would be around January till March /sigh
          I hope you guys understand.... I want to still announce that I’m not discontinuing the book tho. I do want to keep on writing more, for myself and for the ones who’ve been nothing but patient and understand with me. Please take care and stay healthy and safe y’all.