
Hello everyone. I'll be taking some time off. My beloved pet passed away. I need time. Thanks for understanding.


@FeastOfNoise I’m so sorry you’re going through this! Please know you’re not alone and that your pet is still with you in spirit and in heart ❤️ going thru the same thing rn. Take all the time you need - we love and appreciate you! 


@FeastOfNoise I'm sorry for your loss, hope you feel better after you take the time you need to heal <\3


          Please check out my story.
          Eiluned Railings and Kent Hawthorne: two lions in a den of wolves, equally ferocious and deadly, but with one crucial difference—they hated each other with every fiber of their being. Their explosive, physical fights had become legendary at Wytham House School, and now, they faced the ultimate punishment: to either move in together or be expelled. But beneath their fiery animosity, something else was brewing... a forbidden attraction that threatened to unravel their carefully constructed hatred.
          Here's a link:  https://www.wattpad.com/story/368121508?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=AmandaBlackRose11
          A sweet thank you. ❤️


Hello everyone. I'll be taking some time off. My beloved pet passed away. I need time. Thanks for understanding.


@FeastOfNoise I’m so sorry you’re going through this! Please know you’re not alone and that your pet is still with you in spirit and in heart ❤️ going thru the same thing rn. Take all the time you need - we love and appreciate you! 


@FeastOfNoise I'm sorry for your loss, hope you feel better after you take the time you need to heal <\3


Hey, guys! I'm thinking of writing a bonus chapter for The Prison, but it won't be about any of the main characters - sorry! Rather, this is going to be a light-hearted one-off bonus chapter. Also it's going to be very, very sexy ;) 
          Help me choose the character/plot in this poll: https://ritoria.com/en/forum/topic/b4b3f5a1-d1f1-4e6d-bf9a-364985afa03f
          *You made need to sign up to vote in the poll. Thanks for your help in advance!


Calling out all The Prison fans! A lot of you messaged me saying you're interested to know more about Cain and his story after the events of the first book, and I'm here to let you know I've actually already started a novella/short story about him! It's available on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/prison-short-88609417 
          I'll post the first chapter as a teaser later! Thanks for your continued interest, and don't forget to check out the latest chapter in The Cage.


@ FeastOfNoise  yesss finally


I think I'm going to write a short story about the security guard who watches Aiden and Schneider's cell through the prison cameras... He keeps tissues and lotion handy for... reasons. XD


@Elledeehart This is brilliant. I was actually already imagining some of what you've written here, but I'll definitely credit you if I ever write the chapter!


@FeastOfNoise Cuz yeah he's being a voyeuristic perv watching our boys, but he probably helps them out too... Hell, maybe he ends up proving himself to Schneider by the end of this book and the twins actually find him a place within their organization where he can actually put his degree to good use... Cuz he deserves to be happy and to find someone to love him and sweet little Whiskey.... 
            Do you see what you did?? You broke my stupid lizard monkey brain!


this message may be offensive
@FeastOfNoise Unfortunately, my stupid lizard monkey brain ended up just adding this guy in as a new character and now I'm extremely concerned for his safety. Lol. Because this guy wasn't involved in anything to do with the bullshit that landed Aiden in prison and he's not one of the ones out to hurt him either. He's a good looking young guy, he's not a piece of shit like these other fucks, perverted sure, lonely, probably, willing to break some laws and take advantage of the system, absolutely, as long as no one gets hurt or killed because of it... 
            This guy was a new hire or transferred in after that shit with Aiden went down, so maybe he actually believes all this shit the other guards said in court... But if he knew the truth, he'd be trying to help Aiden out. Maybe he's even befriended Schneider on some level because he can see that deep down Schneider's actually a good guy...  Sure he watches them fuck, can't exactly blame the guy for that, kinda doing the same here, but he sees the quiet moments too... He can see the love and part of him longs to have the same thing. Hot filthy sex with a sexy af  guy who he has a genuine connected with and the hope of falling in love. 
            While he's not a small weak dude and can definitely hold his own in a fight, my poor little heart is worried that a few of the other guards might decide to target him together.... 
            Maybe he finds evidence thst proves the truth about what happened to Aiden and plans to turn them in... Maybe he's just too cute for them to pass up .... Maybe one of them made a move on him and he humiliated them when he shot him down... 
            Idk, but now this character lives inside my head and I kinda want you to save him.


Announcement: Abyssal book 2 is coming soon to Ritoria first, followed by Wattpad and Tapas! 
          Hope you guys are excited for it as much as I'm excited for you to see our boy Kai with his newfound powers! What are your expectations for book 2? What do you want to see happen to Kai and Marius? <.<


@b_u_nn_y Hello! I'm sorry you're having these problems. Can you try alternative payment methods? Or you can try reaching out to Patreon support? I'm sorry I can't be more help, unfortunately I don't deal with the payment process.


@FeastOfNoise Hi! Do you plan on completing siren of the desert??? <3