
Today is my 21st birthday! I enjoy reading comments and knowing that people like the work that I produce. My stories have always been something that I dream of sharing with people and every time I get a comment or a message of someone saying that they enjoy my writing, it makes me immensely happy. Thank you all for reading and enjoying these stories with me!


@F_E_A_R_Aconite You're welcome. I hope you had a nice birthday.


@F_E_A_R_Aconite I'm late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!<3


Today is my 21st birthday! I enjoy reading comments and knowing that people like the work that I produce. My stories have always been something that I dream of sharing with people and every time I get a comment or a message of someone saying that they enjoy my writing, it makes me immensely happy. Thank you all for reading and enjoying these stories with me!


@F_E_A_R_Aconite You're welcome. I hope you had a nice birthday.


@F_E_A_R_Aconite I'm late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!<3


          Will "Finding Void" ever be finished? I just read "My alien, Daeus" and my heart aches I couldn't see their reunion... It's okay if you don't plan on it. I just want to know T_T


Yes I do plan on finishing it eventually. Life’s just crazy and I don’t always have the motivation to sit down and write, but I do have plans to finish Finding Void and the other unfinished stories I’ve posted


Thank you so much for the flood of updates!! I hadn't noticed that I had all your books in my library and it's always fun to get a bunch of updates on multiple stories (and a new one!)


I am glad you enjoy my stories. I enjoy writing them.❤️ I do plan to keep updating more frequently for as long as I can keep the motivation. Going to try to get out some more updates today as well. 


Hey everyone! Sorry about the absence’s. I’m working on getting everything updated and hopefully should have chapters out by the end of the month. Getting a new puppy this Sunday and working two jobs takes a lot of my time, but I am trying. I am still here and thinking about you all. Thanks for all the support everyone gives me, just please be patient with me. I am trying.


@DefenderofHyrule Yes. He ended up passing the stone and he’s doing a lot better now. He’s a very spunky puppy lol


Yeah. He’s adorable. Had a bladder stone at only 7 weeks that I had to take him to the emergency vet for literally the day after we picked him up. It’s been a bit of a stressful week