
Despite a number of real-life setbacks, I’ve managed to draft 50k words of my new (unpublished) story so far (which is the equivalent of about 25 chapters).    
          	As many of you already know, I write non-linearly, which means that if I published these chapters as they are, the story wouldn’t make any sense to you.  (Hence why they’re still unpublished!)  
          	So, since none of you can see any of it yet, I just wanted to reassure anyone waiting for new material that I am still working on it behind the scenes, and to thank you for your patience.


@marleenloves  I'm so sorry for my late response -  I don't believe I originally got a notification of your comment, and therefore I've only just seen it.  
          	  You're so right in what you've said here.  I feel like I have the best followers / readers.  They leave lovely, supportive messages and engage positively (and often humorously) on my books, which motivates me to do better.   I'm grateful for you and everyone else who's invested themselves in my little corner of Wattpad.  ❤️


I love the other comments, wholesome love & positivity, so well deserved.. and likewise.. I'm looking forward to your story! And Wishing you all the love, Strength and wisdom to keep the balance and get trough. Take the time you need. Cheering you on 


@Evan_Binley  I'll be waiting ლ⁠(⁠´⁠ ⁠❥⁠ ⁠`⁠ლ⁠)


I'm not asking about the story you mentioned in October. How are YOU? You mentioned real-life stuff, so you okay?


@Evan_Binley, there's a question 'How do you eat an elephant?' The answer is 'One bite at a time.' Some days I manage a good serving and other times I only lick the elephant. But it's okay, because I know others that are facing scarier 'elephants'. P.S. I love elephants and would never eat one, but it's a sound visual.


@pick2libros   Juggling everything can sometimes be challenging.  Too many balls in the air can create just as many issues as not enough, but in different ways.  Do you feel you're managing it?


@Evan_Binley, I'm well, thanks. Trying to balance responsibilities with time for writing too.


Hey, Evan! Do you have instagram? If yes, can I add you?


@Evan_Binley I applaud this attitude, but truly, good author, you deserve to be seen  and read everywhere. I am learning how to apply the ins and outs of social media tools, so that I may be better able to promote an authors website and my books on insta and bookstagram. I draw the line at TikTok, I can’t really stand it, it’s just annoying. But I am choosing to see insta etc as good tools to support an author’s autonomous abilities to promote themselves.  I like what that means. I don’t like sic media overall, but sometimes we have to be our own best friends. You’re so very, very talented. More readers just need to find you. You can give them that gift. And you should:) 
            I will see myself out. ‍♀️


@termacious   I don't use Instagram I'm afraid.  I'm not a big fan of social media generally.


Your poems.....
          My God, I've found the words I didn't know how to say


@Evan_Binley the profile picture⊂⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠⊂⁠)
            I'ma look for some sites


@CuteBabyZCO2   I don't know any sites that you could use to do this, but I don't mind trying to help if I can.   I'm not sure whether you're talking about the (circular) profile picture or the larger background banner, for example.  Anyway, let me know if I can do anything!


@CuteBabyZCO2 nah like you're good fr fr
            I had an idea that your poem...each line, I'd make a wallpaper out of it and make it my profile picture, like a black background with white lettering or something like that 
            Dyk any sites I could use to do this


Despite a number of real-life setbacks, I’ve managed to draft 50k words of my new (unpublished) story so far (which is the equivalent of about 25 chapters).    
          As many of you already know, I write non-linearly, which means that if I published these chapters as they are, the story wouldn’t make any sense to you.  (Hence why they’re still unpublished!)  
          So, since none of you can see any of it yet, I just wanted to reassure anyone waiting for new material that I am still working on it behind the scenes, and to thank you for your patience.


@marleenloves  I'm so sorry for my late response -  I don't believe I originally got a notification of your comment, and therefore I've only just seen it.  
            You're so right in what you've said here.  I feel like I have the best followers / readers.  They leave lovely, supportive messages and engage positively (and often humorously) on my books, which motivates me to do better.   I'm grateful for you and everyone else who's invested themselves in my little corner of Wattpad.  ❤️


I love the other comments, wholesome love & positivity, so well deserved.. and likewise.. I'm looking forward to your story! And Wishing you all the love, Strength and wisdom to keep the balance and get trough. Take the time you need. Cheering you on 


@Evan_Binley  I'll be waiting ლ⁠(⁠´⁠ ⁠❥⁠ ⁠`⁠ლ⁠)


For those who enjoy my poetry, I've published a new one today!  
          It's called “Death by Deceit.” 


@tan225  Thanks!  I'm around in the background working on a new story, even if I'm not publicly active ❤️


@Hector_Jones  Yeah it felt like it came from a dark place!  Hope you're OK?


‘Tobi’ has been added to the @FreeTheLGBT featured stories here:
          I’m over the moon  (✿ ♡‿♡)
          And they gave me a sticker.  I’m not sure which is more exciting.  (I like stickers!) 
          Thank you for everyone that’s been supporting me. ❤️


@Evan_Binley That's wonderful...rejoicing with you...


@Evan_Binley Simon says: "Take.
            the.compliment! (and also my trust in your abilities)".


@ConjugatedFeeling   It's definitely nice to feel like my writing is starting to get recognised.   But I mainly write for the enjoyment of it, so I don't plan to stop, regardless!  ❤️


I read all of your stories and they are thought provoking and beautiful. Glad to have come across yours. The whole 1984 appeal to Tobi was well weaved and kinda scary. Hope to see more writing from you, and all the best Evan!!


@gardeniabloom   Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback!  I'm glad you enjoyed the books.  I'm in the process of writing a new story, which I will aim to publish once completed.  (I don't have a set timescale on that due to variable work commitments.)
            I appreciate your support on my work! ❤️


Hello Evan, I just finished your poem One Night Stand.. wow .. what a journey.. i am really not into poems but this one got me converted.. i was puzzled when i saw comments  from 2021.. i was sure i never saw it listed in your works… anyway .. well done indeed :)))


@pg0004   Thank you so much for such lovely feedback!  I originally published it back when I published Squire, but as the number of followers I had grew, I realised it wasn't really in the same style or genre as the rest of my stories. So I unpublished it.  
            I re-published it this weekend by special request, and may do the same again in future, but I will be tucking it away again very soon because I don't want it as a permanent feature on my profile.
            I appreciate you reading it while it was out and about for a short time, though, thank you!  I'm glad you enjoyed it!


@Evan_Binley thanks for sharing One Night Stand , I loved it, it’s just as amazing as all your books always are ❤️❤️   Maybe too short … you know we want more of you writing  I can’t wait for your next book !! 


@tan225  Aw, thank you so much!  You're always so kind about my work and it's noted. ❤️


@DragonstoneWinter ❤️it really is amazing.


@Evan_Binley  looking forward for the next update so 


Dear author am I crazy or did you had a poem, a story called One Night Stand?


            @LanaKratos  Thank you for requesting One Night Stand,  I appreciate you for asking Evan_Binley to republish this amazing and brilliant book.❤️


@tan225 i'm glad you and many others would have read either 