
Hiya Howlers! Exciting news! 
          	The War for Eventyr shortlisted in the ONC! I seriously can't believe how far this little project of mine has gone, and no matter what the winner round holds, I've completed my goal of just finishing. Everything else has been icing on the cake, and it really just serves to excite me for what's coming next for this story.
          	Congratulations to everyone who finished their novella, because that's a wonderful accomplishment! You deserve all the praise and recognition for crafting a story that you enjoy first and foremost. And congrats to those who tried the contest out at all! Even getting a few words on the page for a brand new story is a huge step. 
          	In other news, I've set my sights on a much bigger contest (and it's likely more than I can chew), so I've started to prep A Drizzle of Home for Wattys ongoing! You can expect weekly chapters from this point on as I tackle that update cadence. Wish me luck, and happy writing to you all!


@DrizzleTheWolf congratulations again!! It's well deserved. Looking forward to reading more of both! <3


          	  Again, congrats! Good luck keep up with the ongoing updates! 


Hiya Howlers! Exciting news! 
          The War for Eventyr shortlisted in the ONC! I seriously can't believe how far this little project of mine has gone, and no matter what the winner round holds, I've completed my goal of just finishing. Everything else has been icing on the cake, and it really just serves to excite me for what's coming next for this story.
          Congratulations to everyone who finished their novella, because that's a wonderful accomplishment! You deserve all the praise and recognition for crafting a story that you enjoy first and foremost. And congrats to those who tried the contest out at all! Even getting a few words on the page for a brand new story is a huge step. 
          In other news, I've set my sights on a much bigger contest (and it's likely more than I can chew), so I've started to prep A Drizzle of Home for Wattys ongoing! You can expect weekly chapters from this point on as I tackle that update cadence. Wish me luck, and happy writing to you all!


@DrizzleTheWolf congratulations again!! It's well deserved. Looking forward to reading more of both! <3


            Again, congrats! Good luck keep up with the ongoing updates! 


Heya, howlers! Just a few updates before this month comes to a close.
          I've just officially marked The War for Eventyr complete, and submitted it to the third round of ONC! Thanks so much for supporting my novella and the long, stressful process that got us here. Can you believe it already has 2k reads? I literally cannot fathom it. XD
          If you haven't had a chance to check it out, TWfE is a fantasy tale about a world of warring foxes. Every chapter is up and ready to read, along with a fancy new glossary chapter with a map and some pronunciations, if you were wondering about anything.
          As for news on A Drizzle of Home, I'll be getting back to work on it next month. I probably won't be back to updating until July, in which I look forward to presenting some needed edits and split chapters! No more twenty minute ones to make you tear out your eyes, lol.
          Thanks so much for sticking around and supporting me! One final note, now that Wattpad is closing DM’s, if you'd like to reach out I'm on IG and Discord with the same username! Feel free to reach out <3


@DrizzleTheWolf congratulations on finishing and submitting your story! That's a huge accomplishment :)


I’m personally a fan of Discord chatting if needed.


Okay I’lll check this bok out. And I can’t wait forr more chapters of Drizzle’s story.




@Juleove aw man I was trying to be creepy 


Who is you? 


Hello! A couple announcements for ya:
          First off, we passed the first round of ONC with The War for Eventyr, and I've also submitted for the second round! Let's see how far we can make it, everyone is doing so awesome! Best of luck to all! I also entered and officially finished the 8 Chapter Challenge, so hopefully I might get some news from that soon!
          Secondly, despite how awesomely my ONC is coming along, it's still throwing me for some loops. I really plan on taking April off in terms of all other commitments to focus on it. Yes, that includes updating A Drizzle of Home. I've just entered another book-club that is more critique focused, so I'm really hoping to get some good feedback and return with a more polished beginning as we trudge through the story! So for now, I enter a mini-hiatus of irregular updates.
          On another note, I'll probably be splitting up chapters into multiple parts to fit Wattpad preferences, so that's another change to look forward to coming May!
          Thank you all for the continued patience and support of my story! It means so much <3


@DrizzleTheWolf Ah! I'm excited to hear you're splitting the parts up!


I feel like now is the appropriate time to tell you Warriors was the first series I ever read/owned... *Runs away*


@DrizzleTheWolf Oh that makes sense lol. I started reading it in Elementary school when it was only the original 6 books XD


@AriaOfStorms I still haven't really gotten into Warriors, the size intimidates me XD your local canine read Survivors first lol, but you're definitely my kind of peep 


Hiya Howlers!
          I return from my silent respite as hectic February comes to a close, and with exciting news!
          Not only did I pass 2k with my ONC entry, The War for Eventyr, I also succeeded in publishing 8 Chapters and entering 8CC! I'm looking forward to sharing more of this story with you as ONC goes on, and an eventual expansion because this story isn't meant to be a novella according to my ridiculously long outline :P
          Also, I posted an update for A Drizzle of Home! I'll be back Monday with another, and I apologize for the toll ONC and 8CC took on my publishing schedule. I can't completely promise that everything will return to normal next month, but it'll definitely be less busy. As we await March, enjoy Chapter 15: A Drizzle of Courage. It's a fun one, imo at least XD


@DomiSotto Thanks so much, Domi! Congrats and good luck with ONC as well!