
@bootcampmentors opens its doors once more inviting you to find your mentor for Amby season! The submission window for the amazing mentors is June 23-26, so go check it out and see if you find your match!


It's been an exciting and gruelling year for me in terms of writing. I learned a lot, read a lot, and wrote a lot. It came with a price tag. My confidence and my desire to write hit the all-time low.
          So, once I finish Luna's Vow, I would like to take as much time as required for me to edit books that call to me and improve my writing through study and thinking. I won't be able to bring everything I work on to the final version, since I'm lacking the necessary level of proficiency, but I hope to be one step closer. It's going to be Ablaze and L.A. Lawless series. 
          When I feel more confident in my writing again, I will resume working on new stuff.


@CaitlinTureaud  thank you so much! :)


@DomiSotto So far, I have thoroughly enjoyed your writing. Of course there is always room for improvement and as they say, the sky is the limit :-) Looking forward to read any of your edited and new stuff.


Hiiii, I'm following you 
          Can you please follow me back 


@AyomideAfolaranmi Hi, while I don't do follow for follow, I know it's hard to find audience sometimes, and while I don't do reads on request, I recommend @DreamlandCommunity as an excellent book club hub to learn how to provide feedback and receive feedback on your stories.


Champion in Love hit 5K reads. This book's other claim to fame is that my mother liked it.


@DomiSotto That's sweet. Congrats!


Happy Pride Month and may we celebrate all the lovers, love for self and self-discovery, love for fellow human beings and the quest for personal happiness all year long.


@DomiSotto Happy Pride month to you as well!*smiles*


Hi! The final 10 chapters of The Stargazer's Alpha have remained locked for, I think, more than 2 or 3 weeks now. Is that status going to be permanent? That is to say, will I need to pay if I want to finish reading the story?


@CaitlinTureaud My understanding is that they all should eventually unlock.


Congratulations to all the shortlisters for the ONC 2024! That's a fantastic job, everyone! For those who didn't make it, your story is your story, and the next summer is going to bring us more contests.


@Kamiccola They judge for impact rather than for polish, and that's the strength of  this contest. It gives you an idea if the story has that immediate appeal to the audience. Further editing doesn't usually change that, unless you rewrite the whole thing. Today is not the day to decide what to do with the story, since it's too emotionally hard, but over the next few months I will.


@DomiSotto you know, it doesn't mean your novellas aren't good. Maybe they just need a bit more time. 
            ONC novellas are all first drafts. They're all flawed and underdeveloped. I think it's crazy that it's a contest that judges first drafts.
            Looking at it from that pov, I don't envy the judges. Lol.


@empiresofwater I only made shortlist once in 5 years of participation, so i am just a crap novella writer, lol. I am so happy Chimera made it and I really cheer for it to be among the grand winners!


ONC was great this year.  Even impacted twice by Wattpad-wide changes it went ahead and delivered the community experience we all love. Long list is now out, and I am happily picking stories for those moments I can enjoy a good yarn. My current read is @wdhenning story, Mars Needs Women, and it's funny and upbeat, just as I like 'em.


@wdhenning my absolute pleasure!


@DomiSotto  Thanks for the shoutout!


If you have known me for long enough as a writer, you know that my goal was always to hit 50K reads for just writing and posting, no promotion, no nothing. 50K reads is a modest amount when success is measured in millions, but for me, that's enough. After 6 years of posting on 5 different sites, I finally reached this goal. I'm not gong to guild the lily. It was on Inkitt and it was with a story in an erotic category, a reverse harem featuring an Australian college swim team. It gives me hope that I can write stories people will read, but my unicorn story is still waiting to happen.  For now, I'm jus going to celebrate finally meeting this important milestone and dream of popular success.


@TeodoratheScholar thank you. I really hope to keep figuring out my way toward the audience. I started so frightfully far from the masses (sorry, couldn't resist the quote).


@DomiSotto Congrats! Finding the right audience is always difficult, but you'll definitely get more reads once you find a dozen readers who are the 'right fit'. Definitely a great step forward. :) More to come!


Friends, Watty 2024 book is live. I'm overwhelmed by writing and mulch (long story), so I just quickly looked over the rules. Basically, very few changes since last year, save for a bit more clear statement that Ongoing stories category is intended for long, long, long serials. There is a further reduction for genres, but the upside is that they made the audience age (teen/adult ) a separate entry parameter vs a genre. 
          In all likelihood, neither my writing, nor my mulch would let me edit and submit Ablaze in its last year of eligibility into Watty, since it needs editing, and I am overcommitted.  I'll focus on working on it when the time is right, hope I will have a book to compete with for 2025, and I am going to cheer on all the contestants whenever I can.
          Good luck, friends!


@Glory_feeling2  That's a good thing. FOMO has an uncanny ability to mess with the most solid goals, so it's important to know what you need, not what everyone else needs/does.


@DomiSotto Hi! I'm almost the same ...not joining this year as I'm wiped out. Doing smaller contests. Almost finished my WIP for the API contest and entered my LBTQ sci-fi novel to the Pride contest for next month. Not expecting much (cause I tend to get rejected in more popular contests). In the mean time, just writing, editing and reading is  what I'm doing. *smiles*