
And with that, Half a Lady has officially come to a close! It's surreal to mark this story as complete. At just under 15,000 words, this is the longest story I've ever finished. I set out to write a novella in 12 weeks, and while I didn't reach the 20,000-word goal, I'm proud of the story I created. 
          	Although the epilogue brings this story to a natural conclusion, I can still see ways for Half a Lady to grow. Cordelia will encounter new challenges (and a charming philosophy teacher!) at Avercroft boarding school. There's also the matter of Ophelia's engagement and Benny's future inheritance. If enough people are interested, I can definitely see Half a Lady continuing! 
          	In the meantime, I plan to return to my first love: fantasy. I have a couple of new ideas brewing, including a Sleeping Beauty retelling and an original story featuring a vengeful princess and a morally gray prince. I hope you'll stay around because I have so many more adventures to take you on ❤️


@OctaviaLocke Aww, that's so sweet of you to say! I'm thinking of returning to fantasy for my next few projects, but I still have plenty of ideas for Half a Lady. I'd love to return to it someday! In the meantime, I can't wait to check out the newest chapters of "In the Pursuit of Death" :)


@Renaissance1111 Thanks Corrine, and congratulations to you, too! I remember reading Highbridge Rising near the start of the ONC and loving it. I'm glad I can say I'm one of it's earliest fans ❤️


@CamWill18 Congratulations on finishing your story! It was great! I hope you will return to Half a Lady and develop the story further. I'm interested in finding out what all the siblings get up to - especially Ophelia. But honestly, I'll read whatever you write next!


Hey! I found your profile through the Chick Lit reading list. Really looking forward to reading more from you. 


Thank you so much! ❤️


@brinkofforever Aww, thank you so much! Congratulations to you as well for being featured on their reading list ❤️


And with that, Half a Lady has officially come to a close! It's surreal to mark this story as complete. At just under 15,000 words, this is the longest story I've ever finished. I set out to write a novella in 12 weeks, and while I didn't reach the 20,000-word goal, I'm proud of the story I created. 
          Although the epilogue brings this story to a natural conclusion, I can still see ways for Half a Lady to grow. Cordelia will encounter new challenges (and a charming philosophy teacher!) at Avercroft boarding school. There's also the matter of Ophelia's engagement and Benny's future inheritance. If enough people are interested, I can definitely see Half a Lady continuing! 
          In the meantime, I plan to return to my first love: fantasy. I have a couple of new ideas brewing, including a Sleeping Beauty retelling and an original story featuring a vengeful princess and a morally gray prince. I hope you'll stay around because I have so many more adventures to take you on ❤️


@OctaviaLocke Aww, that's so sweet of you to say! I'm thinking of returning to fantasy for my next few projects, but I still have plenty of ideas for Half a Lady. I'd love to return to it someday! In the meantime, I can't wait to check out the newest chapters of "In the Pursuit of Death" :)


@Renaissance1111 Thanks Corrine, and congratulations to you, too! I remember reading Highbridge Rising near the start of the ONC and loving it. I'm glad I can say I'm one of it's earliest fans ❤️


@CamWill18 Congratulations on finishing your story! It was great! I hope you will return to Half a Lady and develop the story further. I'm interested in finding out what all the siblings get up to - especially Ophelia. But honestly, I'll read whatever you write next!


A new chapter for Half a Lady is up! This is one of my favorite chapters yet. It answers your long-awaited questions about the mysterious letter, and it also introduces a new character. I can't wait for you to meet him! ❤️ 


@wxnderland_addict Aww, that's so nice of you! I'm really excited to get back to your story, too. I'm hoping I'll have more time for The Quimby Hotel after the ONC finishes <3


@CamWill18 I've been in a writing hole but I can't wait to get back to reading your story once I have some free time :DD


The next chapter of Half a Lady is posted! I wrote most of it during airport layovers and red-eye flights. It's some of the most memorable writing sessions I've ever had. The great news is that the new update puts this story past the 8,000-word threshold, making it eligible for the next round of the ONC!
          My week abroad was exciting, but I'm also happy to be back within the internet range. I can't wait to catch up with everyone's story updates! 


Hi there! I'm excited to share some important announcements with you. First, my novella, Half a Lady, made it to the next round of the Open Novella Contest! This is my first time entering, and I've enjoyed connecting with everyone and reading all the amazing stories people are writing. Congratulations to everyone who's moving on to the second round! 
          Unfortunately, there won't be any updates to Half a Lady this week or next week. I'll be traveling abroad, and I don't know what my availability will look like. The good news is that I already have close to 9,000 words written, so I'll be able to polish the next chapter and post it before the second ONC deadline. I'll also catch up on any comments and all your lovely stories upon my return! 
          In the meantime, feel free to check out my Beauty and the Beast fantasy retelling. It has snarky banter, clever protagonists, and an alternative ending to the classic fairytale. It's also being featured by @StoriesUndiscovered for the month of March! I'd love to hear what you think ✨ 


@SnFusion Of course! I can't wait to check out your fantasy thriller ✨


@philouwrites Aww, thank you so much! It was great to spend some time abroad, but I'm happy to be back and catch up on Selina's latest antics <3


@Flo_Writes Haha, thanks! I had to face down a cantankerous rooster at one point, but it certainly made for a memorable trip :)


Thanks for adding After the Holidays to your ONC reading list.


@CamWill18 And yes, I just posted the prelude, and can't wait to hear what you think about it! <3


@CamWill18 aw, that's so sweet of you!! i can't wait to share it with you guys either! <33


@ageofanxiety Thank you! I can't for April 19th and the release of your new book <3


It's here! Chapter four of Half a Lady is posted and ready for your reading pleasure ✨
          This chapter has some lighter moments between Cordelia and her little brother. I love exploring their sibling relationship. Her brother says some of the funniest things! This chapter also contains an awkward family dinner involving a nunnery, raw oysters, and fish hooks. It ends on one of the craziest cliffhangers yet! I can't wait for you to see what her mother's important announcement is.... 


Thank you for adding “RISEN” to your ONC 2024 reading list! Blessings, H


@CamWill18 Of course! Best wishes to you as well :)


@hendre_writes absolutely! Thanks for adding Half a Lady to your reading list, too. Good luck in the ONC!