
If I can figure this out, I think I can make a Power Rangers Samurai fanfic with my own character Kzanta. Once a human, he was actually killed i the blaze that took Dayu and Deker's home, and was reborn as half human and half Nighlok. He is the son of Dayu and Deker and cares greatly for them both, and even works with the Rangers to secretly sabotage Xandred


I like that idea 


If I can figure this out, I think I can make a Power Rangers Samurai fanfic with my own character Kzanta. Once a human, he was actually killed i the blaze that took Dayu and Deker's home, and was reborn as half human and half Nighlok. He is the son of Dayu and Deker and cares greatly for them both, and even works with the Rangers to secretly sabotage Xandred


I like that idea 


So I just had this idea for a fanfic. A Hero 108/Clone Wars style one where 5 clone troopers arrive in the Hero 108 universe. They are:
          Teras. A clone assassin, named after the fighting style he was trained in. Teras Kasi. Acts as the leader, and seems to enjoy meditating in the forest like Lin Chung does, and gets along well with Alpha Girl of Second Squad
          Blaze. A clone blaze trooper, who really loves to battle, and can act as a meat shield
          Mac- A clone commander who wields a rapid fire chaingun. he's very tactical and works well with anyone he can
          Kodie- A clone sharpshooter, who likes to have friendly competitions with Lin Chung regarding marksmanship
          Nucitt- A clone engineer/combat medic who is able to provide quick and efficient medical treatment anywhere he is needed. He is a very skilled repairman too
          Teras- Clone assassin from Episode 3 video game
          Blaze- Clone blaze trooper from the Episode 3 video game
          Mac: Clone Commander from 2005 Battlefront
          Kodie: Clone sharpshooter from 2005 Battlefront
          Nucitt: Clone Engineer from 2005 Battlefront


So i just had this idea for another furry fanfic. This would be male on male mainly, with a human and his furry boyfriend named Kyle. How would you guys feel it best to begin?
          Them already dating and living together
          At school where Y/N runs into Kyle
          A summer day when Kyle walks up to him and begins playing a song
          Kyle looks like this:


Is anyone else's wattpad not notifying them?


@AgentKansas632  Mine updates me really late after a notification for some reason.


@AgentKansas632 Mine is only notifying me about events and stuff but not new stories or replies...


Mines have been okay for the most part 


Hello. This is FanficNerd438. My old account was banned because of content violations, violations I will never commit again. From now on, I will only ever write poems or actual narratives. If I write one shots, they will have zero sex and if there is sex, it will be glossed over or skipped entirely. Just thought you should know. 


Considering two Pokemon OCs
          Commander Uranus. Blue eyes, black hair which gives off the emo vibe since it covers his eyes at times. Usually uncaring and unflinching. But secretly views all battles as educational, and sees Team Galactic as a means to an end. Is romantically involved with Mars. Personal Pokemon is a Honchkrow that he takes great care of, raised from a Murkrow
          Also Commander Neptune. Younger brother to Uranus. Blue eyes, blue hair, but it is darker than Saturn's hair colour. A navy blue. Enthusiastic and bright. Cares greatly for his older brother. Uses Team Galactic as a way to learn more about the cosmos, but also wishes no harm to innocent people. Personal Pokemon is an Azumarill who he has formed a close bond with, having found them injured during his younger travel days, as an Azurill.


Neat idea 


So, there's a new fanfic idea that I'm probably gonna write but forget about. A mafia of female furries is taking revenge on a man who screwed them. They eventually find out his own son killed him, and they decide to adopt the son since he doesn't have anywhere to go. They find out the kid was purposefully underfed, and the dad even tried to force him into the business. He gets adopted by a lynx named Millie and a wolf named Eri, who are wives and the leaders of the mafia.
          How does that sound? 


@AgentKansas632 That Sounds Like A Really Great Idea!


Hello @AgentKansas632 I was wonderin if it would be okay if I asked you a rwby super-villain male reader crossover story request since I figured I would ask my friend 


I don't watch RWBY anymore but I recently had this idea for a fanfic. Here's my main idea
          Reader is a character adopted and raised by a human and a Faunus
          He has 2 siblings, both Faunus
          Hates humanity because of their attitude towards Faunus
          Wanted to join the White Fang but couldn't due to being a human
          Considers himself a proud member of a Faunus family
          Despises the SDC due to them using some of his adoptive family as cheap labour
          Gets along well with a few WF members despite being human, as he understands why they're doing what they do


@AgentKansas632 It's an interesting idea !


@AgentKansas632 That Sounds Like A Really Great Idea!

          Hey, so I was watching this video and had this idea for an R6S fanfic where the reader/main character was a White Mask who was captured and interrogated. After the interrogation and psychology evaluation, they found out he had mental issues and struggled with dark thoughts, but eventually, they found a way to implement him as an operator for them. Codenamed Blowout, he now has a reinforced suit that protects him, qith C4 attaches outside to take out hostiles or walls and when he activates his suit, he breaks into a sprint and soon the detonation happens which he is not killed by due to his reinforced suit, but it does leave him shaken up each time. And during training matches, they're explosive sacks filled with paint, so when he detonates them, his suit covers with paint indicating he's out of the match, and if any enemies are nearby, they're covered in paint and removed from the match too.
          Sound good?


@Light_Summoner yeah I'm considering a few tweaks like when he detonates, he launches back a little


@AgentKansas632 it does sound pretty good, you should do it. let's see where this will go


@AgentKansas632 Sounds pretty good. My Rainbow story is similar, since its a white mask personal who was captured and has really bad mental health, though my one is going to be focused on why he's this way and trying to help.


Been watching a lot of Power Rangers Megaforce, and I had this idea for a new Ranger. The Cyber Ranger, and he can summon some Zords of his own
          "Cyber Ranger Tank"
          "Cyber Ranger Jet"
          "Cyber Ranger Sub"
          "Cyber Ranger Carrier"
          "Cyber Ranger ATV"
          "Cyber Ranger Battleship"
          "Cyber Ranger Sky Cruiser"
          "Zords, assume Transformation"
          "Cyber Ranger Megazord, online!"
          And there are some commands he can use too
          "Cyber Ranger Megazord, activate Transformation Echo/Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Delta/Sierra/Epsilon"
          With each Transformation he chooses, one Zord becomes the cockpit.
          Echo is the Tank
          Alpha is the Jet
          Beta is the Sub
          Gamma is the Carrier
          Delta is the ATV
          Sierra is the Battleship
          And Epsilon is the Sky Cruiser
          He can also use these Transformation calls to summon individual Zords as well 
          "Summon Zord Echo/Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Delta/Sierra/Epsilon"