
Hi, everyone! So, I need your help. All you who are reading The White Tiger. So, as you know from my recent updates, Ash has been having some problems. But, I don't know what is wrong. Now, don't ask me how I don't know. I seriously should've thought ahead, but I didn't. Obviously. You can leave suggestions here or comment on the White Tiger. I will do my best to get it out and make it as good as I can. Lately, I've been so focused on working on it, that's all I do work on. I'll try to do some brainstorming and figure out something. But, if you can help me, I'll greatly appreciate it. Thank you all! Have a good day!


Hi, everyone! So, I need your help. All you who are reading The White Tiger. So, as you know from my recent updates, Ash has been having some problems. But, I don't know what is wrong. Now, don't ask me how I don't know. I seriously should've thought ahead, but I didn't. Obviously. You can leave suggestions here or comment on the White Tiger. I will do my best to get it out and make it as good as I can. Lately, I've been so focused on working on it, that's all I do work on. I'll try to do some brainstorming and figure out something. But, if you can help me, I'll greatly appreciate it. Thank you all! Have a good day!


Hi can I just say that I am lovin' the white tiger boklok at the moment and I was wondering a couple of things. Could you please let me know how often you update/upload new chapters for 'the white tiger' and roughly how many more chapters are there til the end of the book?  Also would this story become a series of stay as a stand alone? 
          Thanks and keep up the great work I can't wait to see where this story goes


@susiesbooks21 I update as often as I can. Basically everyday, as I don't have to do everyday, lol. And I really don't know how many chapters till the end of the book. I'm trying to wrap it up, but my imagination isn't cooperating, lol. And I really don't know if I want it to be a stand alone. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear it. I am glad you're enjoying my story! I really enjoy writing this and it's nice to know people like it.



@Jitroy03 It sounds interesting. I'll check it out sometime. :)


Hey everyone! So, as most of you might know already, the shortlist for the Watty's came out. Sadly, I didn't make it. It's disappointing, but, like I said back when I entered. At least I tried. There's always next year. And there are other stories I'd like to try out. Hopefully maybe they do better. I'm considering entering a story I'm working on in my drafts, Andrew and the Dragon Pendant.
           Also, I want to say a huge thank you to those who have followed me and saved my stories to their reading lists. It's encouraging to see so many followers and people enjoying my books. A LOT are like me, sometimes recently. A silent reader. They don't comment. Some don't vote, but they're reading it and I'm grateful for that. God's really blessed me a lot. He's really good to me, like He is to all his children. Let me know if you'd like to see Andrew and the Dragon Pendant. I'll fix what needs to be fixed and post it. Well, have a good night and God Bless!


Hey everyone! I just wanted to say that I've entered for the first time, the Wattys! I'm really excited! I hope my story does well, even if I don't win. Even if I don't win, at least I tried, right? And, there's always next year.


@JelsafanEsther Not sure if there's a participation award, but your right. And I'm pretty sure there should be a period after, "But we will get that participation award."


@AdventureWriter17 Just keep this in mind,  
            "We will not get first,
            We will not get second,
            We will not get third,
            But we will get that participation award"
            -Moriah Elizabeth 


Hi everyone! I just thought I'd let you know that I will be starting a summer job on the tenth. So, I won't have as much time for writing. But, I will make time. I can't see myself not making time for it, honestly, lol. Thanks for your support. Happy Fourth of July!


hello author, I have read 2 of you books so far, and although I love them, there are a few grammar and spelling mistakes. also in the books I have currently read, it makes it hard to read if the paragraphs aren't spread out. as well as when the characters are speaking, it will easier to read if its spread out. for example; 
          "hello, how are you?" ... asks.
          "i'm good, thank you, you?" ... replies. 
          it'll make it a lot easier to read, i'm also dyslexic which doesn't help very much when a chapter is written in the one paragraph. 
          (if that didn't make much sense have a look at how this comment thing is all spaced out) 
          this isn't meant to be a hate comment or anything, just some constructive criticism it may also help bring in more readers when a book is spread out, easier to read and isn't rushed.


@shay_writes7 Hi! Thank you so much for reading my stories. I'm glad you like them! I'll take care of the chapters. Which stories have you been reading? I can deal with those first. I may or may not have done it to ALMOST every story-heh. Anyways, it's totally fine. I'm grateful for your comment. I don't really get any.


Hello everyone! I'm working on a mermaid story I haven't published yet. I want to know if anyone wants to read it. It's called, James and the Dolphin Princess. I love dolphins and wanted to write a story with some in it. I thought, what better than a mermaid story? Well, if you want me to publish it so you can read it, let me know!


Hello everyone! I hope you are all well! So, to those who are reading The Maiden`s Mystery, I have just updated it. I will be finishing it soon. I`m not sure if I will mark it as done with it`s length now, or post another chapter or two first. But, you will find out soon! As will I! haha


Hello everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know, I have started a new story. I wanted to make a story inspired by my favorite Dysney movie, Beauty and the Beast. And, I wanted to try and write myself into it. My character is the main character, Emily. I have written a couple of my friends into it. Depending on my other friend, you may only see one of them. I have posted the first chapter and may work on the second tomorrow. Hope you all enjoy and have a good rest of your week! Happy reading!