
Is anyone able to talk Im just having a lot of emotions and really need someone to tell me  it's okay


@00Misty00 i am a long time depression sufferer its al right to feel like that whats not alright is harming your self please don't ever harm your self


          	  It always happening upon remembering something sad in the past.
          	  One option to think on something else to overcoming that feeling 
          	  Good Luck  


Thanks im just having a rough time do you ever just get really sad for no reason and everything and anything that you think about etheir makes you feel like your not good enough? Thats basically how I'm feeling right know and I'm just really have a tough time


Hey if I help you find an animator would you be willing to let them animat the space comander book


@00Misty00 @dg2102001 hey when do you think you will update


@dg2102001  I thought you meant a comic version, to begin with. I'm totally fine with what ever you want to do. You can use it what ever way you want. All I ask is you give me credit and keep it non-sexual. :)


@dg2102001 hey if I can't get it in video would you settle for a comic version


Is anyone able to talk Im just having a lot of emotions and really need someone to tell me  it's okay


@00Misty00 i am a long time depression sufferer its al right to feel like that whats not alright is harming your self please don't ever harm your self


            It always happening upon remembering something sad in the past.
            One option to think on something else to overcoming that feeling 
            Good Luck  


Thanks im just having a rough time do you ever just get really sad for no reason and everything and anything that you think about etheir makes you feel like your not good enough? Thats basically how I'm feeling right know and I'm just really have a tough time


To anyone that has really bad clothing sensitivity issues how do you deal with it when all your clothes are bothering you, and no matter how much you usually like those clothes it's hurting, what do you do since unfortunately you do still have to put on clothes? I need ideas because I'm on the verge of a freakout with all of my pants :(


I know all things considered I'm very lucky. I'm 15 and have autism and I have come a long  way to the point you might not recognize it though a few years ago it would have been very obvious. If I had the mental mindset I have now when I was first going into elementary school, I feel like things would be so much different. Like I would actually have friends, and people would want to be around me. I've been having a lot of dreams about being a little kid again and hanging out with friends. Having these dreams used to make me so happy because it's all I want, but I know realise just how sad it is that the only way to have friends is in my dreams and when Im dreaming Im the happesist. I'm just feeling really low and lonely. I know my family loves me am I selfish because that's not enough for me? I don't want to only have make believe friends. I think maybe I can meet people online, but every time I try to it becomes a bad situation.  I like to consider myself a little, but the truth is, I've never even been in little space. The idea of being able to though brings me a lot of comforts. I just wish I knew I had one real friend that will be with me until the end. Someone whos not afraid to give me a hug.


I just had my ta to talk to in class as I have  dyslexia (thank God for spellcheck on phones ) I am really into Marvel but no one else was and I am not good at Conversations
            So talking about marvel is like my default 


Yeah like for instance when we were still in school, people would be nice to my face but then I would always catch them talking about me behind my back and they would deny it even though I cleary heard them, and when ever it was time to partner up the teacher would have to force a group to work with me. It's got to the point where I get really stressed out when ever there is group workbecause I can't trust anyone to do their part of the work. NOt to mention I could be right there and I would never understand what people were talking about. I only really have been on social media for about a year know and even then I only use tumbler, I'm like a whole generation behind by generation. Which just makes it harder to connect. I still like playing with toys and watching cartoons.


I understand I have no friends you just want someone to talk to about stuff you like I was talking to someone last year thay were friendly to me at first but thay fond me too energetic about stuff because I don’t really socialise then they called me annoyingBut then every time I asked if we were friends and I said yes so I don’t get that