
me when I have two fics in the works rn (bxb xxxtentacion fic to celebrate my 10 years of being a fan + a requested kristen pfaff one) but already have like 20 things uploaded (I have to feed myself) ⤵


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me when I vanish for awhile (school)...
          anyway I have a lot of stuff planned now that I'm actually OUT, including updating my original and fanfic work. (yes, that includes High Speed)
          also I've been thinking and like... definitely gonna do some ships lmao... bc I've always lowkey shipped Dolores O'Riordan and Kurt... then Kim Deal and Kurt.... then PJ Harvey and Kurt.... and and and....
          plus others.
          also may drop for artists like Tupac, Ice Cube, XXXTentacion (I'll bring back Teeth, I promise!!), Eazy-E, Kendrick Lamar, 6LACK, etc....
          So by the end of the summer this place will be PACKED with shit. I just really love writing ::crying emoji::
          So stay tuned ig!!


@kurdtapprentice so sorry for the wait, dude!! I haven't forgot either, the last few weeks were just super hectic bc of finals and other projects I was working on. I'll have it up soon for sure, TRUST


@-spiderland i'm still waiting for the kristen pfaff +kurt fic


RIP Steve Albini. Not many people grasp how influential this man was in bringing indie rock to the mainstream, especially signature sounds. The Pixies, Big Black, Slint, Nirvana... the list goes on. He's the Phil Spector of alternative music production and will definitely be missed.
          Definitely need to bring back Tweez now :(


@-spiderland huge loss, will be greatly missed 


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@-spiderland Holy shit. Can’t believe it.