
tmr is the start of my final week of A level exams AHHHHHHHHHH! to say i’m nervous is an understatement but i know, one way of another, i’ll manage to survive this week! 
          i just wanted to come on here and say thank you all for your patience. i promise after the week i’m gonna be officially done with my exams (well i have one exam in june but it’s easy so who cares) 
          y’all are not ready for all the books i have planned for the summer break ;) 


lando norris grand prix winner. i like the sound of that :)


@-landopitlane could get used to hearing it more often though :) 


im so incredibly happy for him


the sidemen >>>>> i wouldn’t be surviving exam szn without them 


omg another sidemen and f1 girlie i love u already 


so while i’ve been gone i haven’t completely stopped writing ;) i’m actually working on two new books rn!! 
          however, while i make sure my new books are perfect before publishing, i do want to continue/edit some of my old books! so which stories would you guys like to see brought back to life? 


@-landopitlane please do fate!! i‘d do anything fr


@-landopitlane please continue fate it’s my favourite <3 


@ceelovestea || ofc!! ive actually been wanting to get back to that one so i def will <3