. Twenty-Seven .

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As the day was coming to a close I couldn't help but feel so elated over the tremendous day I had with Cesare. The city side of his uncles pack was everything that I imagined it to be and then some merely because I had the most gallant man next to me the entire time.

As we walked down the crowded street Cesare ushered me into a rather upscale clothing shop.

"Why have we stopped in here?" I asked curiously.

"Because you Cara Mia must come to a party with me." He smiled.

But I noticed that it wasn't his normal smile, this one had a small sadness about it.

"Which party would this be?"

"Well I've been instructed to go to Alpha Garland's Birthday party, and I'm to bring my mate." He filled me in without hesitation.


"Would you rather not go?" He asked, a slight worry in his words.

"Oh no, I only meant we weren't on the list so why now are we being asked to go, of course I would love to accompany you regardless of the situation."

That same smile returned, "actually my father said he couldn't go because he is dealing with a pack issue, apparently me finding my mate is coming with certain repercussions."

I felt horrible, for one I was causing his pack stress already and I'm not even the Luna, for another thing, up until that moment I had completely gotten so wrapped up in everything Cesare that I forgot about Gianna and the state I left her in the night I returned to school.

"How could I have been so stupid?!" I sounded unknowingly.

"Cara Mia you are my mate, any alliance my father was trying to get will just have to live with that fact."

I looked up at him and shook my head, "no not that, Cesare it's Gianna." I said.

I had to take a seat before I continued, I can't believe I could forget something so important and possibly dangerous for the entire pack.

"On the night that I returned to school I overheard Gianna on the phone with someone, she was talking about alliances and revenge and your name came up...Cesare, I'm positive she's going to try and do something to you, she's going to try and make you hurt as much as you've hurt her."

"You're sister and I never loved each other so there is no love lost on either side." He sighed, "don't fret about this, I'm sure she was only speaking in the heat of the moment, I wouldn't be surprised if she's already moved on and let's this whole ordeal go."

Once more I shook my head, "you don't know Gianna, she doesn't just let things go." I said. "There may have been no love between the two of you but you did take something from her, you took away her potential power, and Gianna loves power...so in away, you did take away her love."

Cesare looked down at me, he seemed to be contemplating something but instead of saying anything he pulled out his cellphone.

"Pick a dress, I have to make a call."

His words were rather cold as he was caught up in the moment but he seemed to catch himself.

"My apologies Cara Mia, please begin looking for an outfit for the party, if you will excuse me, I need to make this call to clear my worries."

I knew my new information was the reason for his worry and therefore I did as he asked and began looking through the various dresses, he turned and made his way out of the store.

I had found a few dresses that fit well and looked gorgeous, but I couldn't pick between them, my mind was elsewhere.

When Cesare reentered the building he came right over, kissed my temple (his way of silently telling me everything is alright), sighed, and assessed the dresses.

"They are lovely." He stated.

"But which one should I choose?" I asked.

"I'm leaning more toward the beige one."

I looked at the gown and smiled "it is beautiful."

"Then we'll take it." He said casually.

"Excellent choice." A feminine voice sounded behind us. "This elegant lace dress is in champagne and I have the most perfect heels to go with it if you would care to see them."

I looked to Cesare and he simple smiled and nodded, before the female whisked me away to the accessory wall.

After Cesare had graciously purchased the items for me we went on our way back to into town.

"I take it your phone call produced good news?" I asked as we pulled up to his house.

"It did, It seems your sister hasn't even been seen in town much, from reports around town she has been tied up with multiple cases at work."

It sounded very plausible, Gianna does tend to take on a rather heavy workload to keep her sharp.

"I think we should still be very careful, I can't imagine what I'd do if anything happened to you." I admitted.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and then grabbed my hand, "Cara Mia nothing is going to happen to me, I am strong and since you've told me this information I am fully prepared to face whatever she tries to throw at me."

I nodded.

He sighed, "if it makes you feel any better, try and remember that my uncle is here in town and will also be at the party so we aren't truly alone."

This calmed me down, he was right, Luca wouldn't let anything happen to his nephew, and I'm sure (even if his dad unknowingly dislikes me) his father would come to his son's aid as well.

We spent another hour together before he drove me back to school, I thanked him once more for the day he had given me and then kissed him goodbye.

When I got upstairs I found Chanel.

"What's up Lina?" She asked happily, "you grow tired of loverboy already?"

"I couldn't ever grow tired of Cesare." I confessed, "no, I felt like I needed a girls night in."

"In that case we better hit up the drugstore before curfew because we're gonna need junkfood, and stuff for spa treatments."

I chuckled but followed her back outside.

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