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A girl was walking to and fro in her room, her heels were making sound and the Qexle Stainless steel watch was twinkling on her wrist, speaking over the call she was instructing someone

Girl: It should be proper and yes do tell me about the guest list once more okay

She cut and the call and reached to her table looking at the pictures spread over it. A boy came running into her room followed by one girl

Boy:(shouts) Payal didi, save me

Girl: You idiot, how dare you to take my phone, Dhruv I am telling you to give it back

Payal was just looking at them who were running all around her and with great difficulties she stopped them

P: Dhruv, Radhika stop it, what is the matter?

Ra: Didi, he took my phone

D: Coz you told dad that I have a girlfriend

Ra: Rudra Chachu already know that you change girls like clothes

D: So let me tell Om chachu that you too have a boyfriend

P:(shocked) Radhika??

Ra: Didi, he is my friend, not boyfriend

D: If this is the matter then let me see your phone

P:(glared) Who are you to check her phone, her father or mother?

Radhika giggled while Dhruv sadly pouts

D: But I am her brother, right?

Ra:(stressing the words) Younger brother

P: Now will you both stop fighting, Dhruv get me the phone

He without saying anything gave her and she handed it to Radhika

P:(bending down to his level) Dhruv, you are indeed Radhika didi's brother but you are younger than her right? And what your mumma told you that you should respect elders, right?

He nodded
P: So all this, snatching her phone and running like this, irritating her is not good, and you Radhika, you should not talk all this to Rudy Mama, he knows very well how to handle Dhruv, okay

Both nodded

What is the use of making them understand didi, they will remain like this

Trio looked at the door and found a girl standing with a smile
D: Shivani Didi

He ran towards her and hugged while Radhika also joined them

S: How are you guys?

D/R: All well, how was your trip?

S: Haah! Quite boring, I missed you guys

P: Thank God you came, I was so worried how I am going to handle this all alone

Shivani came forward and hugged Payal
S: I know you can handle everything if at all I am not there you will do everything perfectly

Payal kissed Shivani's forehead
D: Haww, me too

He too came and forwarded his head, all laughed at his action and Payal bent down to kiss his forehead

Ra: Why are you leaving me didi?

S: Silly, come
She too came and Payal kissed her forehead too

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