THIRTY - Mirror

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WARNING: Sexual content ahead. If not comfortable, skip it.

I've been avoiding Luca for a week because I am still mad at him

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I've been avoiding Luca for a week because I am still mad at him. He has to understand that I am not hung up on him like he thinks I am. I like him, a lot and I fucking miss his company but I don't need him.

After Shane's shit, I also didn't have the energy to deal with him. My ginger best friend, though, has been avoiding me like the plague since that last conversation. Every moment that we usually spend alone, Jessica has been present and while it irks me I understand.

We need boundaries.

Only those---and time---will get us back to normal.

Still... Not even all of this shit has been enough to take my mind off of Mr Robot. There is so much pressure to give in to my sperm donor's whims. Accept a life I don't know with a man who didn't give a shit about me for two decades.

Not being able to talk to anyone about this, only makes it worse. There's this dark and dangerous aura about the whole thing and as much as I'd like to stop it, it seems like the clo k has started its countdown.

We all know, there is no way to turn back in time.

Fuck, I need to take my mind off of this. Picking up my phone and finally giving in, I hit send.

[Me]: You free today?

My insides tingle with anticipation. The eagerness to see him has been here all along, I was just lying to myself.

When my phone pings right afterwards with a new message, I sit upright, reading it.

[Luca]: Come to the parlour at 5 p.m., there's someone I want you to see.

Fine then.

I don't have a clue who it is that he wants me to meet him but if it means we can have some fun afterwards I am all for it.


I arrive ten minutes late, just to mess with him.

Letting him know eager I am? No way in hell.

Strolling through the door, slowly, I take in my surroundings. Nothing has changed from the last time I have been here. Everyone is busy doing their own thing with just a couple of clients waiting on the couch.

With a stunning tattooed woman by the reception table, I head to her and smile. "Hi, I'm here to see Luca?"

Her eyes snap up ad her back straightens while her eyes scour me up and down.

There is no warm welcome in her eyes and her word are the confirmation, "He's not available today.".

"Ahm..." How the hell do I answer this without being a bitch? "I know. He asked me to meet him here at 5." She snorts and my jaw falls open.

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