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   "IN A MEAN abode in the shanking road, lived a man named William Bloat. Now, he had a wife, the plague of his life, who continually got his goat. And one day at dawn, with her nightshift on, he slit her bloody throat." Pitts read. Chuckles filled the cave at this.

"Oh, and it gets worse," Pitts said.

"You want to hear a real poem?" Charlie smirked, handing Joan his cigarette. She opened her mouth to object but decided to just suck it up and hold it for him. Meeks got up and tried to hand Charlie the book.

"No, no get this outta here."

"What, did you bring one?" Meeks asked.

"You memorized a poem?" Neil looked surprised.

"I didn't memorize a poem. Move up," Charlie told Neil as he ushered him off the rock. "Ladies you may want to look away for this one, gents, I know you won't."

Joan's gaze flitted to Violet, but neither of them looked away from Charlie completely. They were too curious.

"An original piece by Charlie Dalton," Meeks laughed.

"An original piece," Knox repeated.

"You know this is history, right? This is history," Neil said.

Charlie cleared his throat as he took centre stage. He pulled a magazine page out of his pocket and slowly unfolded it to reveal a naked woman. He had ripped it straight out of a Playboy.

"Oh my god," Joan couldn't help but laugh. She looked from Charlie to Violet who was staring at the picture looking a little disgusted, but when she met Joan's gaze she laughed as well. The boys all gawked at the photo in amazement. Joan didn't know what to say so she just shook her head and waited for Charlie to start reading.

"Oh, wow," Meeks muttered as everyone laughed.

"Where did you get that?" Cameron asked.

"Teach me to love? Go teach thyself more wit. I, chief professor, am of it. The god of love, if such thing there, may learn to love from me," Charlie read rhythmically.

"Wow! Did you write that?" Neil asked, impressed.

"Abraham Cowley," Joan and Charlie said in unison. Joan took a drag from his cigarette, considering it tax for making her hold it. He smiled and winked at her before giving the stage back to Neil. Charlie took a seat next to her and dramatically put the page back in his coat.

"You're ridiculous," she chuckled, handing him his cigarette back. He took an exaggerated drag and blew the smoke in Joan's face.

"Maybe, but you gotta admit, that was pretty good," he winked again.

SHE WALKS IN BEAUTY, charlie daltonWhere stories live. Discover now