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Third person p.o.v
Rose took the diary and read each and every page of it
At the end of the page she was crying hoping that that was all a lie but sadly that was the truth and she was facing it now .
Rose p.o.v
I could not believe it I just want to die my father loved a women named Lucy and married her and she gave birth to my 7 brothers on the other side my mom was an arrogant lady and she was obsessed with my dad . She wanted him all by herself. On the 5th birthday of Damon she spiked my father's drink and had sex with him and on that morning she lied that he raped her Lucy believed my mom and did not talk to my dad slowly Lucy and my father's relationship was going down at that time my mom was pregnant with me and told my father about it . He believed that it was his mistake and promised my mother that he will take care of the baby.
Months passed Lucy was slowly going to depression and on otherwise my father was taking care of my mother as she was pregnant my mother feelings towards my dad started to grow and in selfishness she killed Lucy and started to spread rumours that it was an accident my father was depressed because of Lucy death and stayed in his room .
One day my mother was joined in the hospital as she was giving birth to me at that time my father came to know my mother's plot and was very angry he directly went to the hospital.
But he was too late as my mother died giving birth to me he was angry because he could not take revenge on my mother on that day onwards he started hating me .
All the servants and maids love Lucy as she was polite and kind. The news of her death was unbearable at that time and all of them started to hate me

I could not just believe my mom was a murderer but that doesn't give a reason to hate me what was my mistake am I not his blood am I that bad that I don't deserve to be loved that's why I decided to end my pathetic life so at least they can be happy without me
I went to my room and took a pair of sharp scissors at went to my bathroom and it's been an hour staring at my pathetic reflection .
all those names that they called kept ringing in my head slut, bitch , nerd , fatty , pig what not
I kept the sharp edge of the scissors on my left wrist and slit it slowly I can see the blood coming out of my wrist slowly  my head is becoming dizzy and I could not see anything clearly .
Maybe this is the end , end of my pathetic life .

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