Chapter 6

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Rose's POV:

It's been a few days since I arrived at the Dark Moon Pack and met my mate, and he told me he never wanted me. In these last few days I have become very close to Alpha Colten's mother Eliza. She told me that Colten's father, her mate, was just like Colten when he was young. But after they met he had completely changed and became warm and kind hearted. In Colten's words he became "weak" because he had a mate. Colten did not want to become like his father so he vowed never to take on a mate.

I had only seen him a few times these last few days, but when I did he always gave me the cold shoulder. My heart broke every time.

I was working in the garden with Eliza when it happened. Everything had been fine but then I felt a small pain in my chest.

"Are you alright dear?" Eliza asked, looking with concern.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm ok." I said to her, but I wasn't "ok". The pain kept growling until it was unbearable. I clutched my chest and fell to my knees in pain. It felt like I was being stabbed in the heart with  hundreds of knifes. That's when I finally passed out from the pain.

When I gained continuous back I could hear voices in the room whispering.

"How is she?" I can only assume is Eliza asked.

"She is stable. She is extremely malnourished and has lots of minor bruise and cuts," stated the doctor. None of that information surprised me. Back at my old pack I wasn't allowed to eat much so I was very skinny and as for the bruises... know.

"But as for the pain that made her pass out is seems to have more to do with her wolf. Werewolf's are not supposed to go this long after meeting their mate without being marked." Stated the doctor.

He was right. I had been here for almost a mouth and still had not been marked, and according to Colten I will never be.

"In other words her wolf can not live without the Mark of her mate. She's dying." Said the doctor.

Some how I was not surprised by his statement. I guess somewhere in me I knew this would happen, but I had hope that he would change his mind.

"Alpha needs to come here to see her. Even if he refuses to Mark her she will be in a lot of pain and he can help her."  The doctor told Eliza.

"I understand. Thank you doctor." Said Eliza, dismissing the doctor.

I felt tears fall from my eyes not from the physical pain but from the pain of knowing that my mate is the reason I'm in pain.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

Five days have passed of none stop pain. But the worst pain of all is the fact that in all five days of me being in the hospital my mate never came to me. Eliza begged Colten to come, but he never would. I cried myself to sleep every night calling out to mate asking him to take the pain away but he never came. I felt Ila slipping away slowly day by day, but finally the pain subsided after a full week. I had become very weak and still needed help with a lot of things but I was finally able to go back to the pack house.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading!!😝💜

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