33 ♛ The Tyrant's Ascent

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The gentle-faced emperor had a freak of violence in him. With his thirst for power, territories around Gran Dacchia were devoured-from smaller kingdoms to a group of tribesmen and an oligarchic country-just for almost a decade.

It was said to be almost impossible, but with the Duke of Norvillon, establishing an empire for the short period was not an impossibility.

Other two factors that helped Alexander Claumont Gran Dacchia's reign was his charisma to rile up the people. His first decree after being king was particularly infamous even to the neighboring continent.

This was the purging of the nobles.

The citizens were given the right to hunt the announced list of corrupt officials. Rewards awaited those who brought the officials dead and more rewards for those who captured the aristocrats alive.

According to history books, it took a full year to finish the weekly beheading in the public square, viewed upon the commoners who finally found their voice.

Thus, despite his methods, Alexander was beloved by the people.

Just two years after, he turned his sights to the neighbors who have been trying to test his reign and usurp the port kingdom, one by one. The same cruelty befell to most of the nobles of Beltai, Southland Duztec and Arbaria Kingdom who formed an alliance. It was just Xander's luck that these smaller neighbors had all burdens of corruption, thus once more, he used the people.

 It was just Xander's luck that these smaller neighbors had all burdens of corruption, thus once more, he used the people

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Additionally, to everyone's surprise, the scattered tribes of Bahazon Green, the large territory of mountains, rainforests and plains, all peacefully submitted obedience to Alexander

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Additionally, to everyone's surprise, the scattered tribes of Bahazon Green, the large territory of mountains, rainforests and plains, all peacefully submitted obedience to Alexander. For barbarians, who recognize no authority but themselves, their allegiance shook the country.

Moved by pressure, two smaller neighboring kingdoms were devoured under the Gran Dacchian banner and adapted the *Alexandrian Calendar.

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