Chapter 7

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Dick's POV

I silently walk out of Marinette's room and close her door. I stare at the blades in my hand and take a deep breath. I go to the trash outside and throw them out. Except the one I just caught her with. I just caught my little sister cutting her wrist and arm like she enjoyed it. How do you get that wrapped around your head?

I shake my head and throw the blade in the trash. I go and wash all the blood off my hands and try to school my emotions and look like normal. I walked back to the living room ans see that the Justice League has left and Marinette was standing in front of Bruce with a guilty expression on her face. 

"-I'm sorry." I freeze and immediately knew what she was doing. She was telling Bruce that she purposely cut herself. Damian had an emotionless face and Tim and Jason looked like they were processing the information and the girls did as well. I knew she was going to tell them but she went with the sooner the better but, I didn't think she would do this soon. 

Damian got up and gave her a hug. He mumbled something and she looked a little more relaxed. He forgave her. Everybody else relaxed a bit more and they all forgave her. Bruce was still silent. I was desperately hoping he wasn't harsh on her. He stared at her for a few seconds and then got up and pulled her into a hug. 

She hugged back and you could tell she appreciated that he wasn't mad. He pulled away and looked at her. "Don't do that again. You could've killed yourself." His voice was gentle and soft. I'm pretty sure Mar is going to change our family. "Ok Dad." "Promise?" "Pinkie Promise." She held out her Pinkie and Bruce looked confused. She giggled and took his hand and stuck out his Pinkie and hooked hers around his and he caught on and hooked his around hers. 

She smiled and a camera shutter went off. Jason took a picture of them. "Nobody will believe this if I don't have proof. Pixie you made history. This is going on all the social media platforms that exist." Marinette giggled. "No Jay. Just with family and friends. That's it." He groaned but put his phone away. 

"What do we do today?" We all shrugged. We just had a meeting with the Justice League planned for today and that's it. Her eyes lit up and she grinned. "Fun day! We can play games or go on a field trip or something like that! But, we all have to participate and that means Alfred too!" How was she going to get Alfred to come?

"Alfie!" Alfred came out out of nowhere and looked at her. "Yes Mistress?" "1. You know you are supposed to call me Marinette and 2. We are having a family day and you are included. No questions asked." "Mis-" "Non! You are joining. We just have to figure out what we want to do. Games or Field Trip?" She was silent and you could tell she was contemplating. 

Her eyes lit up and she snapped her fingers. "The beach!" She grabbed her phone and started typing furiously. She cheered and jumped up. "The beach is still open! Do you want to invite any friends?" A few people started texting. I invited Kor'i and Mar'i. I noticed Marinette was texting anybody. 

"Mar? Don't you have some friends?" "I do but, Chloe is in California, Marc and Nathan are in New York, Luka and Juleka are in Paris and Gami' is in Japan. So, they can't really come." I blinked and nodded. "Oh...I got it now. I invited my wife and daughter." She squealed. "I have a niece! How old is she?" "5." "What's her name?" I snorted. "Mar'i." She looked at me and giggled. 

"That's my nickname. Other than Netta, Nettie, or Marebear." "I know." "I invited Jon." "Clark and Diana." "Rachel." "Okay. Anybody else?" Nobody said anything. "Alright! Get ready and tell them to come here and then we will drive together. I'll help Alfie." Before anybody could say anything she and Alfred were gone. 

I went to my room and grabbed a pair of swimming trunks and sunblock, sunglasses and sandals. I packed them in a bag and went to the living room and set it down. Stephanie and Barbara came in and Jason barged in. Tim came in and Bruce came in not long after. Marinette came in with a large picnic basket while balancing her bag on her head. She set down the basket and grabbed the bag that was on her head. 

She looked around and looked confused. "Where's Cass?" We all shrugged and she left the room. 2 minutes later she came in dragging a very reluctant looking Cass. "Now I just have to get Alfred." When she did come back we all had to do make sure we weren't hallucinating. Alfred was in a less formal outfit but not like a t-shirt and jeans. 

The door bell rang and Marinette ran to the door. She had more energy than all of us combined probably. Clark, Jon and Diana came in and froze when they saw Alfred. "Papa!" Mar'i flew to me and I gave her a hug. Rachel came in with a bag and I didn't miss the pink tint that spread across Damian's cheeks. But decided not to say anything. 

"Bruce? You didn't adopt another kid did you?" I looked at Kor'i who was pointing to Marinette. "No. She is Damian's twin sister." She nodded but didn't look convinced. "To the car!" Marinette hopped on Damian's back and he sighed but held her up. "Why me?" "Cause' you're my little brother. Go!" Marinette was very um... Marinette.

Everybody went into the van and got in. Marinette hopped in the driver's seat. "Pixie, you can drive?" "Jay, I am 17. I know how to drive." She started the car and shifted into drive. She shto out of the garage and started accelerating rather quickly. 

We were at the beach quicker than we were supposed to because Marinette used back roads and was going 120 on highways. The only people that weren't scared out of their mind was Alfred, Jason, and Damian. Jason did the same thing when on the road. "Come on!" She hopped out of the van. 

"She drives like Jason. Extremely reckless." "tt, That's the way we were taught too." Everybody jumped at Damian's voice. "What?" "We would go on missions and sometimes we were chased by the police so, we had to drive fast and reckless to make sure they weren't on our tail all the way. So, that is basically the only way she knows how to drive." We all just nodded. It made sense. 

There was a loud whistle and we all scrambled out of the van. Marinette had a big blanket on the ground with the picnic basket and like 5 chairs out with an umbrella next to each one. "Come on!"

This was going to be fun.

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