Chapter 41 - Leaked

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Remember don't be a silent reader! :)

 The moment those words slipped out of his mouth my whole body went into a panic

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The moment those words slipped out of his mouth my whole body went into a panic.

Thousands of thoughts rush to my mind as I think hard if me and Chris weren't careful enough to not let anyone see us.

Coming up empty, I look up confused into Chris's blazing eyes.

"What the fuck," he whispers glancing down at his phone, he sits on the desk behind him, his eyes looking distant.

"Is it bad?" I hesitated to ask.

However Chris didn't need to answer my question for me to know the answer... his eyes and mouth said everything... it was bad.

I demanded, "Let me see."

I walk over towards where he sits, "Baby, no please." Chris pleads at me as I stand between his legs and try to reach for the extended phone that's over his head.

"I don't want you to see this, I'm going to take down however took and posted these photos." 

It's sweet that he wants to protect me, but this is something that I need to know. If it involves me, I need to know what's going on all around me.

"Chris you can't hide me from this, I am going to see this whether or not you show me." I sooth as I stroked my hand through his hair. "So it's either me seeing it the first time with you right now, or me alone in my apartment already depressed about Mark."

He whines and places his head against my chest, running his hands up and down my spine. "You shouldn't have to see this butterfly."

"I'm strong enough, I can handle this," I say strongly.

Deep down I'm nervous about what was leaked, but I'm not about to show that to Chris.

He sighs against me and kisses my collarbone before meeting my gaze.


I nervously extended my hand towards him, he places his phone in my hand and gestures to me to put his passcode in.

I type the password I know by heart, once the lock screen slides open to his home screen he directs me to open his messages with Tyler.

I gasp and cover my mouth, my eyes flood with tears as I see the image displayed on the screen in front of me.

I whisper, "Why would someone do this?"

"Money, fame, jealousy, hate." Chris lists as his angry voice grumbles.

Scoffing and looking down at the picture of me straddling Chris on his bed the other night, I wince when I see there are several pictures and two videos posted too.

Clicking on the video, I take a step back disgusted at the person who filmed and posted this. The video was me and Chris making out on his bed, you can see us grinding against each other as Chris sucks my neck.

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