Girl Talk

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They barely walked in through the front door and Conner was being squeezed almost to death by his twin sister.

"I was so worried about you! Are you okay?"

She finally released him, so he sighed and smiled a little to her.

"I'm fine, mostly." He said honestly. "I think I just need a little rest."

"Hm... What happened to your shirt?" she frowned.

"I honestly can't remember clearly, but I think I destroyed it?"

She blinked twice, but then shook her head.

"Okay, I don't want to know. Come on, I made you dinner."

"Sweetie," Clark started to say. "it's two in the morning."

"I don't care." She said. "I bet Conner hasn't eaten since he left the cave."

As if on cue, Conner's stomach made a low growl that made Madine grin madly, like she did when she was right about something.

"Go take a shower, both of you, while I'll heat things up."

They knew arguing with her was futile, so they did exactly that. Conner stripped from his pants and boots and got under his shower - turning it on the heat. He stepped under the water and just let it wash his tiredness. The whirlwind of emotions he had gone through the last hours made him heavy and tired. Good thing he had his family to hold him.

After his shower, he put on some grey slacks and a white tank top and went to the kitchen, where Clark and Madine were talking, waiting for him.

"Here he is!" His sister greeted with a smile. "Sit and eat. I can hear your stomach making cartwheels."

He sat beside his father, who was also eating - Madine had made his favorite pasta - and his sister served him with a very generous portion of food, that he gladly took and ate with gusto.

He refused to say anything about the ordeal he and his team had passed through in the last 24 hours, and gladly, neither his father or sister asked about it. They just ate in silence. After that, Madine told him to go to bed, and after saying good night to them, he did exactly that.


"I'm worried about him." Madine said, while cleaning another dirty plate.

"Me too. He's tired. And I have no idea what they did to him."

"We should ask tomorrow." She suggested. "Maybe he'll tell us."

"Maybe." Clark looked tired too, so Madine passed him the last plate to dry.

"You should rest too, dad. You haven't slept since they went out. And that was forty-eight hours ago."

He smiled briefly. "Perks of being a father to a teenage superhero, I guess."

Madine couldn't say much about that, so she wisely kept her mouth shut, starting to clean the sink.

"At least tomorrow is still Sunday. He'll have at least one day to prepare to school on Monday."

"Yeah." She said, smiling. "It's going to be great."

And she meant it. She couldn't wait to show Conner the good things in school. Also, she couldn't wait to spend some time with him, daily. Also, doing something there wasn't related to superheroing could do her some good.

Conner was proving to be a true superhero. Just like their father. And as much as Madine was proud of him, she was also becoming very... jealous. She kind of wanted to be a part of it too. After the event that made her think she didn't want to be a hero, she thought nothing could change her mind about it. And her dad had been very protective and adamant that she remained in secret, safe. So she simply shut the idea out, thinking that it wouldn't bother her.

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