Note from Author: Sequel

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Note for readers who enjoyed Aberrant:

Jinx and Kaplan's story will continue in Rogue, which is in the process of being written.

The Rha Si's existence has been exposed, the Coalition destabilised. No longer in the shadows, the Rha Si are either exiles or 'guests' of the military.

Having stayed with the Space Corps to defend against the Xykeree threat, Kaplan finds himself isolated, a prisoner, hated by those he once called colleagues and friends. The wider populace, the very people he'd been created to protect, now want to see him and all like him dead. Exactly who is the enemy is no longer clear. The people he cares most about are now wanted criminals with kill orders on their heads.

Including the woman he walked away from to stay and do his duty.

After being tortured, used to harm someone she cares about, then exiled for something she had no choice in, Jinx isn't interested in living up to other people's expectations. She's not anyone's soldier, pawn, or monster. She's human. Nothing more. Nothing less.

If only the universe would allow her to remain just that.

AberrantDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora